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 Student Loan 'Forgiveness'?
Jesjohn94 1k posts, incept 2019-05-07
2022-05-01 10:27:30

Amazes me how the elites in this country think they have unlimited money. Why the **** would you forgive debt for anything for a married couple making $200k/year income? Totally bonkers. It also seems bonkers that Biden could forgive over $300 billion in debt (which is the estimate for $10k forgiveness) without a vote in Congress.

President Biden is considering limiting student loan forgiveness to individuals who make below a specific income, three sources familiar with the issue told The Washington Post.

Officials are looking at limiting cancellation to those making below $125,000 or $150,000 as an individual or $250,000 or $300,000 for couples who file taxes together.
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