381 posts, incept 2021-09-15
2022-04-30 20:57:19
Kid got a degree in English, minor in History and minor in Film. Spent a semester at Oxford - a gift from a well off relative. Learned more in that semester than she did in all the others at UGA.
The most useful skill she graduated with (she was already an excellent writer) is an exceptional grasp of excel. Yep, $40K and the best skill she walked away with was excel. At least she paid every cent back. (can't wait to see her hit the ceiling if this bull**** loan forgiveness goes through. This is a good way for the idiots to lost a giant voting block, if they even care.)
She got her current job through nepotism and hard work. The nepotism got her in the door, the hard work got her the awesome paychecks.
Big companies still look for college grads to hire. Doesn't matter the actual degree or even skill set. Her initial boss was complaining that she couldn't find any college grads that could read and write decently. Without the degree, which had dick all to do with the job she was hired for, it's doubtful she would have gotten even a chance.
I'm glad to have entered the workforce before a degree was a requirement. I'm living proof that all you really need is your head screwed on right, a strong work ethic and a moral backbone.
We need more Mike Rowes in the world. Learn a marketable skill. Pretty sure that no matter how ****ty the world becomes, humanity will still need plumbers and mechanics!