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 Student Loan 'Forgiveness'?
Flappingeagle 6k posts, incept 2011-04-14
2022-04-30 18:30:41

Let me see if I can remember my history.

The federal government wanted to end poverty so it got involved and created more poverty.

The federal government wanted to end drug use so it got involved and drug use went up.

The federal government wanted to reduce teen pregnancy so it got involved and teen pregnancy went up.

The federal government wanted to make healthcare affordable for everyone so it got involved and the cost of healthcare went through the roof.

The federal government wanted to end terrorism so it got involved and became the biggest terrorist of all.

The federal government wanted to make college affordable...


2024. One of Trump or Biden will not be on the ballot in November.
A housing crash will occur. Interest rates will NOT be lowered more than 1% in total unless a housing crash occurs.
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