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 Corruption Much? (NIH)
Mannfm11 9k posts, incept 2009-02-28
2020-06-10 15:02:16

Amazing Polly did a video on this about 10 days ago. She is coming out with more. When you begin to see how this works, you will understand the anti Trump bull****. Trump is tearing their stuff down, but remember, Trump isn't allowed to bring up a solution. But, he can expose these people, by putting them up front. They shut down a major part of the world, including Russia. Trump couldn't have done that.

The Washington Post has spent 3 years running false stories, as has the NYT, CNN, MSNBC and other prime outlets. Who controls those outfits? Bezos and Carlos Slim control the papers. When the truth comes out, they censor it or bury it in a story. One only need look at the suppression of HCQ, when it's availability would have done any good or the attack on the open up crowd. People are still wearing masks, despite the facts being they are of no use and maybe unhealthy.

One thing the last 3 years have shown me is the astonishing conflicts of interest involved in DC marriages. It started with Andrew McCabe and has never stopped. They never change their last name. What else I see is the link of the Clinton gang and, to some extent, Jeffrey Epstein.

These people are waging war on Trump. Remember, whatever the outcome, it was going to be Trump's fault. They told Trump 2 million. He knows now that was bull****, so he uses it against them. Had it been 30,000 and we did nothing, they would have said it would have stopped at 3000.

Pay attention to what you find out. Fauci has been there a long time. The characters are now on the stage. Trump made a point to put them out there. He made a point to bring up HCQ. They shot it down with lies. We would have never known. Then he put up his middle finger and took the stuff. Notice the need for more toilet paper. He never once put on a mask. It drove the fake news crazy.

The only function of economic forecasting is to make astrology look respectable.---John Kenneth Galbraith
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