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 America's Scam, Part 65023
Gianmarko 285 posts, incept 2013-03-11
2017-11-27 11:44:34

have you ever seen a large arc or tig welder in action? those usually have less than 300 amps. imagine the same thing happening inside a faulty cable or connector, multiplied by 10 or more, while you charge your e-car.

there are some videos on youtube showing accident involving high power electric equipment. they are very entertaining.

elon musk is a serial liar, but he is just exploiting the armies of ignorant idiots who believe his lies and believe that laws of physics do not apply to him.

these people hail EM as the greatest inventor. he isnt.

he was opportunist (and very lucky) to fill the void left by the abysmal failure that was the space shuttle that left USA without heavy or even medium launchers. but he has not invented anything. after almost 60 years, he still cannot do what NASA (and the russians) did in the sixties, even though he has at his disposal modern metallurgy, computer modelling, cheap advanced electronics.

the tesla cars do not contain any new technology.

the powerwall is just a fancy cover for 20 years old technology.

wont even mention solar rooftiles. it has been a failed idea since over 10 years

and the idea of using li-ion cells to store electricity produced by non dispatchable sources? ah ah. of course, when someone else is paying, why not?

Tsherry, take any good quality 18650 cell. they are everywhere, from your laptop to your cordless drill

people imagine that the Tesla battery pack is made out of some high tech accumulators. nothing of the sort. it contains thousands of those cells. so to calculate the weight is quite simple. wiring, cooling and electronics will of course add some more weight

and btw, most people doesnt seem to realize that the battery packs have a cooling system. here a few info, but if you google, you find more

yes, thousands over thousands of cells, and they do not seem to have individual electronics to manage failed cells. and cells do fail.

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