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 The Bill To Fix Health Care - Permanently
Trinityalpsgal 43 posts, incept 2017-03-30
2017-03-30 22:34:33

Bravo. Well done. You are refining your work Karl, and it is more powerful than ever.

There is an incredible level of detail here. There are tangible, actionable, quantifiable, next steps for UNDERSTANDING how we achieve Permanent Care for ALL. Youve outlined a clear pathway to getting us there.

I challenge you - my fellow commenters, to engage in a revolutionary act and pass the contents of this post on to your representatives without delay. I pledge to do it Friday morning. Will you do the same?

In addition, I ask Karl for his support to brand his message so that it might have maximum impact in the marketplace of ideas (or should I say the marketplace of fear and desperation?). We all know that this will need to be done so that the message can be shared on a wide scale. It would involve naming the plan/program, creating a logo/symbol/signifier (we need more than sporks for this task), writing up the key aspects in a focused/overview form plus delivering the detail on How It Works (from this post), including a Q&A/FAQ page.

Who do we have out there? Who will step forward to move this initiative to the next step? Karl has given us years of insightful guidance on health care. He has great integrity on the subject since he took control of his own personal health. Lets get behind him and bring this one home!

I am even willing to get on a call with any of you who might show up to discuss the way forward.

This issue hits home for me personally. My husband passed away in December (at home, I was the caregiver) after a long fight against several cancers. No freeking hospitals or chemo. Only organic infused grapeseed cannabis oil + LOVE. Lets just say that I understand intimately that there is a better way forward.

This is a fight worth having. Remember, YOU have nothing if you do not have your health!

I am ready to do something about it. How about you?
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