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 Open Mouth, Insert WHOLE LEG
Mannfm11 9k posts, incept 2009-02-28
2014-05-19 15:19:24

I have been doing that math for a long time Karl. You are one of the few people out there that raises the issue. Where does the money from education go? In fact, where did the education go?

As for the cited statistics, they have been going on for a long time. Prior to Chicago being murder city, it was Detroit and DC. I guess DC got so full of stolen money they no longer have to shoot each other in such numbers.

I read the mortality statistics of the US back about 20 years ago in response to so much emphasis being put on murder then. I knew, from what I had read that the murder rate in the US had declined significantly between 1970 and the early 1990's. I ran the entire tables in a search to see how many men and women were living at various ages compared to how many were born. The black mortality statistics were separate and between accidents and murder, black males were eliminated in sizable numbers between birth and 25 years old. White people have a higher propensity to kill themselves.

What this guy doesn't want out is the government is creating most of this mess. You can't continue to levy the economy with massive welfare state/racketeering/organized crime fees and expect people to get a job. There was a report recently on the cost of regulation and it has gone through the room under the current Fascist administration. Clearly the establishment Republicans, which this guy is likely a member, have no interest in fixing this problem. When society becomes a group of motherfucking thieves, organized from the top down, it shouldn't be a surprise society itself becomes largely criminal.

The real question here is, why the attack on you? Is it one more attempt to brand a potential political fly in the ointment opponent of the establishment a racist? isn't that the norm of the day? Don't they brand the tea party people racists? Isn't the real deal the maintenance of the status quo of a few organized government linked criminals looting the rest of us? This guy might bear investigation.

The only function of economic forecasting is to make astrology look respectable.---John Kenneth Galbraith
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