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 On The Ukranian Situation
Ribbit 2k posts, incept 2007-09-10
2014-02-24 08:19:55

Karl: "And incidentally, I didn't say the people are always wise. I said they always win in one form or another, even if by "winning" they destroy their own premise."

Yep, and one of the worst tyrannies imaginable, is the tyranny of the mob. eta: That's why in another post, I said that the list to get onto, is the list of people who will demand trials and prison rather than encourage lynchings, because once the mob starts on lynchings, it can be really hard to stop, and lots of innocents suffer as a consequence (and the end result can be like France going straight into the arms of Napoleon Bonaparte). I'll take the Rule of Law any day, thanks.

Bobby: "I am sure there are normal folks that think EU equally sucks."

I doubt most grass roots Ukrainians (PARTICULARLY those in the West, near the Hungarian and Romanian borders) are unaware of the extreme dangers of the EU, with the recent similar uprisings in their neighbours.

One of the most excellent appearances in the Ukrainian situation, was the appearance of mirrors in the hands of protesters (I have been wondering when they would show up).

Now imagine what 50,000 protesters with 50,000 mirrors, can do on a sunny day.

Anybody want to take bets on how fast a tank can be melted?

Now imagine if it is a protest with 1,000,000 protesters with 1,000,000 mirrors. ;-)

Yet the Idiots That Think They Are In Charge, worry about guns in the hands of the people (they really are dumber than a box of rocks).

For perspective, on a nice sunny day, and with enough mirrors aimed at a threat, that threat could experience temperatures higher than 3,500 deg C (the solar collector in France achieves those temperatures, and there aren't really that many sq ft of mirrors, when you think in terms of very large crowds of protesters).

How long will some thug in body armour last? How fast will a sniper have a hole burned through their head via their telescopic sight?

You probably get the idea.

Start stockpiling those mirrors.

PS I hope the Ukraine people have the sense to stand up for Sovereign Self Determination, and refuse to be enslaved to either Russia or the EU.

"Just as a man would not cherish living in a body other than his own, so do nations not like to live under other nations, however noble and great the latter may be." Mahatma Gandhi

If the State was a Nanny, it would have been fired for incompetence, unreliability, and having its hands in the till, a very long time ago now.

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