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 On The Ukranian Situation
Cvdoc 562 posts, incept 2009-06-11
2014-02-23 17:36:26

My best friend is a Ukranian American who has been in nearly hourly touch with the opposition. Lets be clear. This revolt was about corruption and political repression. The Ukranians want freedom and becoming members of the EU are not their priority. Gen has it correctly. They had had enough and were ready to die. While well organized, they are saving their bullets for the Russian invasion later this year.

Whether its Venezuela, Thailand, Bosnia, people are thirsting to determine their futures. I would go farther than Gen and say government is always the problem - it just takes time for it to deteriorate so the populace gets desperate enough. But like all governments, the Ukrainian government reached the back breaking point. The key was that police and Army refused to side with the government. I am afraid that that won't happen here. Obama has purged the military and weakened it. What is left will be turned against us if need be just like 1932.

I was surprised that the protestors made it so easy for government forces by localizing in the city square. The only reason to do so, was to draw the police (whom I suspect were some Russian Mercs) to the square, then go to their home and destroy them.

Make no mistake, our leaders and others are afraid of what the real story is in the Ukraine. Self determination scares them. Real accountability scares them. They know that ultimately no matter how many bullets DHS, IRS, etc buy, they can't hold back the unwashed hordes.

I am always surprised by Americans who think that superior technology guarantees victory. Look at us in Afghanistan, North Vietnam and Korea. Look at the Russians. Look at our own fight for independence against the British. When our government turns on its own citizenry to retain power (I am guessing about 10-20 years from now), hopefully someone besides this old man will remember the lessons of history.

Until then, lets hope the Ukrainians are preparing effectively for the upcoming Russian invasion. They aren't giving up their warm water ports, Nat gas pipeline to Europe and the Crimea so easily. Putin is a tough guy and the real deal.

As for the US government. We always screw things up. Even when "we mean well". The lame stream media doesn't care to understand what is really going on there either. We screwed the Iranian demonstrators in 2009. That government crushed their revolution with indirect help from us when we realized we couldn't control the outcome. But that is for another post.

Few men desire liberty; most men wish only for a just master.
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