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 It's Called Evolution, Gentlemen (Tickerforum Changes)
Grunwald 783 posts, incept 2012-06-01

Karl, I sincerely hope that you keep the political side of the ticker going. You certainly have a fire burning in your belly and it is amazing how prolific of a writer you are. I have had a similar site back in late 90s but lacked the ability to put out enough material to keep it going. You do not have that issue.

I know that I am not much of a contributor to the discussions here, but most often by the time I read the comments, everything that I wanted to say someone has already beaten me to it.
Your comment section definitely has the lowest percentage idiotic drivel and depth of knowledge in a wide range of topics is amazing. I cannot think of another place where a conversation can cover topics such as chemistry, electrical engineering and more computer related disciplines than a masters program at your local university.

I have personally withdrawn my participation from the financial markets over 3 years ago. I refuse to participate in such a crooked enterprise where someone like Corzine can steal over a billion dollars and walk around without any worry about the justice system whatever. Worse yet most people don't know about the corruption nor do they care. Not as long as they have food and distractions.

I have made other changes that when most people hear about them think I am a bit nutty. I have a personal boycott of any business under control of Warren Buffet. I switched from Geico Insurance and quit buying See's candy (which was my guilty pleasure to the tune of at least $20 per week).
I have and continue to boycott any Las Vegas properties whose CEOs were supporting Harry Reid during the 2008 election. MGM is on top of that list.
Sometimes it is a difficult way to live, but I refuse to give my money to people who support those politicians that are at the forefront of screwing me in more ways than I care to think about.

I hope you continue to share your thoughts on issues of the day.
When the day comes and you decide to completely pack it in, most of us will miss the exchange of ideas but certainly will understand you decision.
If the time ever comes and you need someone to watch your back, that would be the least I could do for all your efforts here.

There are no limits to human stupidity
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