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 It's Called Evolution, Gentlemen (Tickerforum Changes)
Calyxcats 5 posts, incept 2012-02-20

I echo the 'Thank Yous' for your brilliant insights, your commitment to the truth and your dedication to sharing your knowledge with us. I am not a math or finance person, but I find it hard to believe that legions of our countrymen do not comprehend that 'Math does Not Lie = (the truth will out).
The best illustration for me, was the pond/lilypad. I think that should be in every school book in the country.
I think it would be worth considering putting together a Ticker Collection in book/e-book form. I am sure you could come up with an interesting way to sell them while keeping the taxman away. Maybe even a kids version - after all, they are the ones who will take the brunt of this mess. Non-profit education, because after all, 'It's for the children'!
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