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 It's Called Evolution, Gentlemen (Tickerforum Changes)
Zappafan 6k posts, incept 2007-11-30

Well this deserves a thoughtful response.

First, thanks for five+ years of shouting "stop the madness" in your own unique manner. You've been remarkably consistent from the beginning. I don't know how you do it, getting up every day and posting new thoughts. Plus dealing with the trolls and sock-puppets. It has been a pleasure to participate and contribute here.

Second, no need to explain yourself, as far as your reasons for "shutting it down" so to speak. As the lies, fraud and outright criminal behavior of those in positions of power have gotten worse and worse, a version of Gresham's law seems to be playing out. In a still semi-free society, where people like you still and I have some choice on the directions of our lives, bad government and bad citizens drive out the good ones.

Finally I would add that you should not underestimate the good you have done here. Something that is very hard to do is to take the long view when it seems that truth and rationality are losing. But throughout history the math wins out in the end. It just takes longer and more pain than anyone expects.

My only request would be to not delete anything in terms of older posts. Part of the frustration of the times that we live in is that we have a mainstream press that act like bootlicking lackeys rather than the watchdogs they are supposed to be. Your blog along with a few select others (Mish, Naked Capitalism IMO) are the only antidotes. I might have lost my own sanity if it wasn't for the last vestiges of a free press out here in the Internet.

You along with Mish, Yves and a few remaining bloggers have created a public record exposing the lies and fraud. By standing up against the poseurs, the shrieking partisans and war-mongers in the press, you provide a valuable dissent.

History has a funny way of vindicating folks like you, and making fools of cretins the likes of Geithner and Krugman. Those old posts from 2008 may someday be seen as a beacon of truth in an age of lies. Who knows, 100 years from now they could be in the history books as an example of true journalism.

My own selfishness would like to see this community continue until the wheels eventually fall off, which we know they will. But whatever path you take, you have already done a lot of good and deserve some rest and time to pursue whatever gives you contentment.

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