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 It's Called Evolution, Gentlemen (Tickerforum Changes)
Londoncat 162 posts, incept 2012-03-02

Thank you Karl.

I can't remember when I first stumbled on to your site and this community (I think some time in late 2008), but it has been an amazing ride - talk about unknowingly taking the "red pill" and never being able to see the world the same way again! I convinced several close, very smart, friends to start reading The Ticker and Tickerforum as well, and you have no idea how many hours the subjects from your Tickers have consumed our evenings and weekends in deep discussions and debates. To be completely honest, several of us thought, early on, that you had to be some NSA or CIA "program" - as we could not wrap our heads around how one human being could know so much about everything, literally everything! The law, physics, mathematics, history, computers and IT, the political world, the banking world, the trading world, the real world, etc. and churn out the posts that you do on a daily basis. Withing the last year, we have only half-heartedly joked that any university worth its price of tuition should have a mandatory "Market-Ticker" class, where students had to go back to the beginning and read your Tickers and the comments and then discuss them in class. That one 4 hour credit class would have been a better education than the other 120 hours of classes and lectures combined!

Thank you for everything you have given me and my friends - I hope someone has taken the time to preserve everything you have done.

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