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 Social Security -- We're Still Lying To Ourselves
Mannfm11 9k posts, incept 2009-02-28

Number one, health care is a bubble. If they slowed the bubble, it would collapse. It is the one thing government can use to present us with a growth rate of GDP. Repeat:Number one, health care is a bubble

Second, the tax cut for payroll taxes was a trick. Get this! There is no social security fund, there is no medicare fund. It has all been spent and can only exist through further borrowings or taxation of the populace. The bastards took out 2 years of surplus, compounded, so it would stand to reason the lifetime of the fund would decline.

So, we go from 12.4% (really 10.4%) to 15.01%. What are they going to do with this money? They are going to spend it and it will be gone just like every other red cent the government has ever received in what they call the Social Security Trust Fund (who the hell would trust these jackasses).

I was wondering what the hell the Democrats and Obama, those who are always crying about the non-existant Social Security Trust fund, were doing cutting 2% of the taxes levied to produce the fund. 2.6% of $8.4 trillion and counting is $218.4 billion, if my thinking math is correct. That is $218 billion more they have to flush down the toilet and not admit they spent.

There is absolutely no reason to have a social security trust fund, save for increasing Congressional capacity to spend. The money is not there and in reality can never be there, as long as it is a debt fund. The actuarial argument that everyone need to pay their fair share makes no sense, in that smaller generations following larger generations have no more capacity to liquidate the debt than to merely pay the benefits. Nothing has been saved, it has all been spent. The solution is pay as you go.

The only function of economic forecasting is to make astrology look respectable.---John Kenneth Galbraith
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