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 Medical Care And Medical Choices
Gantww 1k posts, incept 2011-04-22

One other thing I've started doing (and it borders on foodie-ism) is that I've started making my own sauerkraut and eating a few spoonfuls of it every day. It turned out pretty good once I got comfortable enough to be sure I wasn't going to get botulism or something from it. I can't isolate the probiotic effects from everything else (I threw everything I had at fixing my weight problem, so unfortunately the results are not very useful scientifically).

Another thing I've started doing is being very strict about bed time. By 10:45 central, at the latest, I try to be in bed and reading (winding down for the evening). I remember reading somewhere that lack of sleep would make you crave carbs, although I can't remember whether that was a reputable publication or not. Still, just cutting back on the stuff I do has forced me to focus on the important things and triage the rest. That's how I intend to keep my mind healthy.

And with that, it's 10:30, so I suppose I'll pick up the thread in the morning with the hopes that somebody will know exactly which article I'm referencing in the paragraph above, so I can read it with my brain turned on instead of as an excuse to avoid other things I should be doing.

Pissing on the host in the middle of the living room with guests present is a pretty good reason for the host to forcibly remove one from the scene, in my humble and correct opinion. - Jack_Crabb
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