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 Medical Care And Medical Choices
Wineaux 559 posts, incept 2009-03-23

Genesis said:
God gave me what man was intended to run on; why would I want to fuck up the mechanics of what he designed? Do you really believe that all these smart people are smarter than he is?

Well, man invented asphalt. Pounding on stone does damage to your feet as well as the rest of your body. The foot was probably designed to run on softer surfaces like grass. By your logic you should run barefoot and also ride a bike naked because your sac and asshole is covered with hair and has layers of skin to protect it. smiley No thank you. Ill put on shorts.

I never had a single problem with my feet until I started running longer distances, multiple times a week. I am flat footed and have over pronation. Mortons is apparently very common in the running world and is caused by the inability of the toes to expand outwards while being struck on the ground. This compression inflames the nerves surrounding the Metatarsal bones usually between the third and fourth toes. This is exactly my issue. Also, I am not advocating expensive shoes either; just properly fitted ones. My NB were under $60 but too narrow (I never paid attention previously) and the Brooks I purchased on Amazon last month were $75. To me thats a reasonable price to pay for running shoes.


The trick to successful wine making is getting the fruit, acids, and tannins in balance. The pros have a tough time doing this consistently y/o/y and I have tasted too many wines which are out of balance and not to my palates liking. Most of these wines people label as fruit bombs which sell successfully here in America because they tend to be sweeter on the front and mid palates, yet drier on the finish. I prefer my wines on the earthy side of the spectrum and therefore gravitate towards French. Definitely no California Cabs, Merlots, or Pinots and certainly NEVER Australian Shiraz. For whites this means minerals and for reds this means dirt or barnyard smelling. Regardless, IMO wine has to include food, friends and family. Drink what your palates tells you it likes and don't listen to the critics.

What wine goes with unemployment?

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