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 Medical Care And Medical Choices
Meltdown 1k posts, incept 2008-03-18

Yes Flaps - there is a bit of a sub-thread here on Alzheimer's - cause I am such a pain in the butt.

Alzheimers is the sixth-leading cause of death in the country and the only cause of death among the top 10 in the United States that cannot be prevented, cured or even slowed. Based on mortality data from 2000-2008, death rates have declined for most major diseases while deaths from Alzheimers disease have risen 66 percent during the same period.

It needs to be noted that the rate of Alzheimer IS exceeding the rate of the aging population increases

And to make it worse......

There are nearly 15 million Alzheimers and dementia caregivers providing 17 billion hours of unpaid care valued at $202 billion. Facts and Figures finds that caregivers not only suffer emotionally but also physically. Because of the toll of caregiving on their own health, Alzheimers and dementia caregivers had $7.9 billion in additional health care costs in 2010.

A healthy lifestyle can certainly help you prolong it, but nothing stops it and no one seems to know why (just like autism mentioned earlier by another poster) it's happening (yes we know a lot of things that seem to make it more likely to occur, but it doesn't explain it all). The costs associated with AD are already starting to rival everything else if you look at the projections. I know when I was growing up some people had really old g-parents that had a touch of dementia, but AD is a totally different story, and I see SO MUCH of my peers with parents or g-parents that are dealing with this epidemic - that can last upwards of a decade of care.

So what are we going to do about that in terms of rising health care costs? I agree wholeheartedly in everything Karl said in this thread, but we are still going to get buried by this imho.


Reason: Needed to correct coding due to AD - bwahahaha
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