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 To The Tea Party (And Related Organizations)
Joe-bob 2k posts, incept 2007-09-18

2banana wrote..
The works we think are "good" in America are good works from a Christian viewpoint

2banana wrote..
We grew up and live in a country founded in Judeo-Christian values

Ah that's funny. Had your Eastern transplant not stopped off in Greece to be informed by Stoic and Cynic thought, it would NEVER had the "umph" to spread through the Empire enough to be more than a regional cult. Had it not gone on to be informed EVEN MORE by Greco-Roman civilization in general, it would have ended up being a more savage thing. And you would have still had mass in Latin with no Bibles in your own language had it not been for your Eastern transplant being again being informed by the PAGAN values that came from Saxons, Jutes, Angles etc - which is how you got your Protestant reformation, not to mention your Protestant work ethic.

Your religion didn't inform Western European civilization, it was informed BY IT. I'm glad it could be improved upon during its spread so it wouldn't end up like its contemporary and fairly similar competitors (cult of Isis, etc), but Europe would have had the same values it gave TO Christianity regardless of whether it had spread or not. It's too bad that you have no idea how many of your values came from pagan civilizations, but at least you have them and that's something.

But I'm reminded of the part in Enter The Dragon in which Bruce Lee says "Not my finger you fool, the moon!"

Stop focusing on where to give credit for rightness itself and pay attention to what IS right. Your assertion about where morals come from is a great example of why I can't vote Republican anymore. And there was actually a time when Republicans RESISTED the late 60's movement to eradicate the fruit of Western Civilization from education. Its progress in art, literature, philosophy, jurisprudence, human rights, music, architecture, medicine, and so on - and how it got there. No more. I guess the 60's radicals succeeded because now our "conservatives" are nutballs that believe a religion from the East gave the West its values.

And this illustrates Karl's point - the majority are worried about issues they think are crackpot issues being pushed by the right OR the left. Speaking for myself, last election I felt forced to choose between lesser evils - which candidates would do the least harm. Bring those wedge issues in and you won't get the vote. Leave them behind and you WILL. I would LOVE to have a candidate to vote for that isn't carrying a whole bunch of miscellaneous crap along with one or two good ideas.

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