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 To The Tea Party (And Related Organizations)
Flick 1k posts, incept 2009-06-06

I can't express my Christianity or someone else their Judaism in government schools...

If you're a student, you certainly can express your Christianity, Judaism, etc., as long as it doesn't disrupt the class. Children are allowed to pray in school; in fact, they're guaranteed that right. As far as I can tell, they're allowed to proselytize to their pals during their free time. It is just that prayer can't be suggested or led by the teacher, administration, school official, etc.

Please don't tell me that you believe the nonsense that prayer isn't allowed in schools. It most assuredly is. But there isn't any prayer generic enough to avoid the appearance of endorsing a religion - so teachers can't lead prayer.

I do not understand why the Establishment Clause is such a difficult concept.

...yet the gay and Muslim agenda are sanctioned by the state in those same spaces.

Yeah, all over the country those poor Christian students are sent to the office en masse for daring to bow their heads before lunch, while every single public school student is forced to learn all about Islam. A couple goofups by a few school districts means it's happening universally, huh? Sheesh.

Some of us live in the real world. We have to interact with people who are rich, poor, white, black, yellow, red, straight, gay, liberals, conservatives, bigots. Frankly, I want my kids to go to school in the Real World and learn to tolerate others - others that they won't be able to discriminate against if they're in a position to hire them later on. I would be ashamed of myself if I'd raised bigots.

As for homosexuality, what would you have the public schools do? Teach the kids that being gay is wrong, or a sin? Go to any high school. There are gay students. They know they're gay. They didn't CHOOSE to be gay. Most of the straight kids don't care one way or the other.

I guess it would be much better, if your opinion, to go back to the days when they were bullied in school, because you think it's a choice, or wrong.

I wish some people had the intellectual honesty to admit that they want to outlaw homosexuality, like in the past. Of course, that would be political suicide, wouldn't it?

The man who wouldn't die.

Republicans want a small government. Small enough to fit in the bedroom. - C. Crumling
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