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 To The Tea Party (And Related Organizations)
Karlmarxghost 4k posts, incept 2009-01-26


Unfortunately, there isn't a public school in this country that teaches a single thing about it and most of the populace wanders in the darkness.

Ive been teaching my kids these things outside of school as Im sure you did Steph with your kids. As much as we would love to plant everything on the schools we as parents have responsibilities also.

I'll give an example... I take my kids to the library every other weekend or so to let them read, check out books, go over history, etc. I see mostly immigrants there usually of the hispanic and Asian persuasion (usually indian). I am one of the very few white Americans there. Why is this? Coral Springs, where I live, is 85% white and I am by far the minority at the library.

The same goes for when I take my kids to play at the park, once again Id say usually 20% of the people there are white Americans and the rest or Hispanics, or Asians. The few blacks that are there are not "African Americans" they are usually Jamaican or Haitian.

My point is we as parents have to take a stronger roll in our kids lives and not just blame everything on the schools. We all know how shitty the schools are and how they are almost used to indoctrinate our kids. This is why we need to step it up.

I think this relates to the whole "nuclear family" argument. Im a big proponent of the nuclear family (one person works while the other stays at home). I know everyone wants their "things" but at what expense are these "things" coming from. I think many immigrants are still traditional and very family oriented (like how we used to be) which is why I see many immigrants when I take my kids to these functions. Im just sayin...

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