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 To The Tea Party (And Related Organizations)
Mannfm11 9k posts, incept 2009-02-28

KD, I don't believe there would be a Democratic party if not for those issues and the government warchest they use to buy votes of unions and welfare queens. I was just telling a friend that all involved are going to find out there isn't any more money to get, so it then boils down to those issues.

Where the tea party needs to settle is the doctrine used to put together the Constitution, the idea of perfect and imperfect rights. We can talk about natural law in any way possible, but if we allow any party, group or spokesman to allow government to define our rights, we are in trouble.

What needs to be stopped is the government extorting money from the populace and giving it away to those they need to buy votes from. They aren't spending their money, they are spending our money. This is the law, not of governments, but of nature, that taking property and labor from one group and giving it to another is stealing and slavery. Womb to tomb treatment of people also has to cease, as it breeds helplessness and transfers decisions from the individule to the state. The state needs to stick its head up its ass and get it out of ours.

Government was somewhat prohibited from fucking with the money and once they started, look what happened. Wars and more wars. Taxes and more taxes. Bankers using leverage to rip off the economy and destroy it. Social Security and the Federal Reserve were ploys of government to get more money for politicians to give to their friends.

If having an accident and killing someone is judged to be some degree of murder, regardless of neglect, I have to believe that the right to kill an unborn human, no matter how you define it, having wreckless sex has to be looked at in the same vein. I don't advocate it be made illegal, just that the on a state by state basis, illegality be permitted. Abortion was legal in a few places prior to Roe vs Wade. The state wants to ask you what is in your computer or files and they have no agreements that any of us knowingly signed. Is that any less an invasion of privacy than abortion? It is the hypocrisy of the law that troubles me more than the issue. The last time I looked, there was a 4th amendment, but it doesn't seem to apply any more. As far as gay rights, the only one I know of is the right to be left alone, which is one we all should enjoy

The ironic thing is the protectors of gay rights, abortion rights and unionized labor seem to be interested in reducing the rest of us to poverty. They also seem to be the group that can't read the second amendment.

As far as Paulson goes, I have to believe he was at Treasury because the Bush administration knew everything was fucked and hoped he knew how to straighten it out. I guess they didn't know how hard it was to manage 50 gallons of spilt mercury, as it is still all over the place sliding around. I think we all can look to Rubin, Raines and Summers, along with Geithner, who fiddled while Citi and other NY institutions under his watch burned down the world and stole what was there before the fire.

Lsstly, I was reading 'The Law" by Frederick Bastiat, who was a borderline anarchist. Bastiat said a few things, but the most glaring one was that politics wasn't supposed to be important if the government was doing what it was supposed to, protect the rights and property of the populace. Once it started looting and failing to protect the rights of the people it became important. Once it becomes important, it becomes the tool of opposing parties to use against each other. The Feds main power in the states was to regulate commerce between them so that complex laws didn't arise to restrict trade. Its other primary power deals with waging war. I won't get into that one.

The only function of economic forecasting is to make astrology look respectable.---John Kenneth Galbraith
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