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 To The Tea Party (And Related Organizations)
Dburn 165 posts, incept 2009-09-10

Good Ticker Gen: but to really be effective people first have to take aim at the political professionals. They make millions for winning. The stakes couldn't be higher. I believe political consultants get 15% of everything for a political campaigns.

It may be lower if the candidate has the wattage to choose among many consultants but for those who don't have that power which is most, consultants make huge money. Think Tanks have much to gain. Lobbyists have much to gain. The Staff members of politicians have much to gain. Reputation first then big bucks as a lobbyist. They are as important as getting a former elected official. The elected official may draw clients but it's the former staff member who get things done.

The legal profession has much to gain. I could go on, but just listing all the people from the media to anyone who makes money off campaign dollars would take 100 lines and on each side they have a counterpart on the other side. The side that wins the most gets paid the most the next time out.

There are few where sides don't matter as long as they can be a conduit, a well paid one for the message. The media. Think of all the national and local ads that will be run. Controversy sells, corruption doesn't, because talking about corruption limits "access". Access is seen as Power in the media. They do not want to piss off the people that open doors for them.

Go after the professional political class and that is step one of many to get to the central issue of corruption. It's huge onion with many layers to peel off until the core is reached. Otherwise it's religious issues on the right and Gay issues to Abortion on the left. Many other small things too will be blown up too , anything to use up a 24 news cycle. Corruption? No. Off limits. Media who go there, will never get in there again.

Only after corruption has been dealt with head on by both sides collectively after taking the political professionals out of the picture can there be honest debate about what kind of society that we want. The urgency couldn't be greater and frankly that is what the pros are counting on. When you have more money then you can ever spend then you really don't care if another 4 trillion in debt piles up between now and the next cycle or how many homes are lost or how many people die because of toxic policy or how many dollars in hard earned savings are lost by people who lived conservative lifestyles to make their own security. None of it matters.

All you have to do is ask yourselves when have you ever seen lasting cuts in govt that weren't taken over by other spending which increased the over-all debt and have done a significant majority of people in the country one iota of good.

The Tax code is one big favor book. People who have been after simplification have been shouted off the stage on both sides. Spending large sums of money means power. A person making 170G a year can be a swing vote on a few hundred billion? That's serious power. That's why it's a bubble that can't be pierced until the political pros who lead the pols around by the noses are dealt with.

I'm not even sure how you do that because most of them aren't any more recognizable than the movie agents in Hollywood which may be why recognition is a good place to start. A listing of who made what on which campaign could be an explosive list and a damn good start to finding out who is driving the train. Other than that, look for the same old s**t on a different day. People who hate liberals like people here who shouted at me assuming I was a liberal, and I shouted back are being pushed on both sides by pros that knows what emotions to drive. It's market tested, poll tested, BP tested, and refined and tested again and that becomes the new message guaranteed to tear at old scabs.

They are good too. Underestimating them is a huge mistake. You'll know that when one works you over good. Good luck.

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