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 To The Tea Party (And Related Organizations)
Susanjbear 781 posts, incept 2010-06-10


You have hit the nail ON THE HEAD with this entry - it reflects exactly how I feel and think.

A year ago on Tax Day I felt I was doing my part, I worked like a dog to make dozens of signs for a local tea party tax day protest.

Here is a link to photos of my artwork:

But I was not entirely happy with the local organization to begin with. For one thing, I tried to tell people I am not going to get behind flat tax or fair tax or this tax reform or that tax reform plan B, until we elect people who RETHINK the role government should have in our lives and how much government is constitutionally allowed to spend. And somehow I picked up the vibes of Reagan false idol worship. People blame Jimmy Carter for 18% inflation. Well Reagan was all hat and no cattle. He talked tough but as far as I'm concerned he turned on the clock for the doomsday deficit device. I've seen the Grace Commission numbers.

In our recent June primary I was completely disgusted with the Republicans who won the primaries in California, and in my area. The man who won the Republican primary for my local state assembly seat was the founder of the local tea party and he stepped down as the local leader in order to run for the seat. I consider him a friend, so I emailed him and told him that I took myself off the tea party mailing list and that I cannot in any conscience support the Republican candidate who is looking to oust our current Democrat US Congressperson (stinker though she is, with her votes for big bailouts). Nor will I vote for the Republican candidate for California governor.

The tea party has allowed politics to push out principles. I don't like using my ballot to play ping-pong between two parties who like to trim spending on their least favorite programs and spend more on their own favorite programs.

So, except for two names, I'll be turning in a largely blank ballot this November. I simply don't have time to investigate all the people on the ballot to determine if they have integrity and they have conducted their personal and financial lives in a way that demonstrates that they understand why we have gotten ourselves into this economic mess.

Sad but true.

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