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 To The Tea Party (And Related Organizations)
Zlow_hand 798 posts, incept 2008-01-22

2banana - nobody said the guy you are talking about is running for office. he wouldn't get elected by either side. now start with your last point. How would someone who is fiscally responsible view unwed parenthood? probably negatively because they understand the negative effects on the mother, child, and family as well as the hidden costs borne by society.

A fiscally conservative man will end up with many of the same principles that a morally conservative man will. A fiscally responsible man will lead his life with this mindset, and propose laws accordingly. Note that fiscally conservative <> greedy pigman.

el, this is the commonality between fiscal conservatives and moral conservatives.

2b, As far as a man wedding another man, or two women, what is the harm to the state? Or is it because it offends your moral clause you don't want others doing it...

imhaz, i wouldn't even bring those test up in the discussion. as soon as they are introduced then they are game for discussion.

just keep talking about the debt.

kd's scenario is exactly correct. this is why 3rd parties are a bad idea. they split the vote and someone is elected without a plurality. 3rd party candidates are sometimes run as shadow candidates to draw votes from their opponent. They'll never admit to it but it happens.

reason - most of the tea parties i've read about do not have republicans speak. in fact they are adamant about it. as far as the obama is a muslim signs, they may have been plants. plenty of documentation about that from past events. If you let those little things keep you from participating then you don't think much of fighting for the right thing.

or your a troll.

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