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 Freedom Of Speech: How Quaint
Eleua 23k posts, incept 2007-07-05

Here is the acid test to see if any of the caterwauling defenders of uncorruped American liberty are really serious about their position, or are just flacks that want the other side to be silenced while their position enjoys Congressional approval:

Resolve - Term limits on all members of Congress and the Senate shall be imposed.

Constitutional Amendment - "Lifetime membership in the House of Representatives shall be limited to no longer than thirty-six months. Lifetime membership in the Senate shall be limited to no longer than one hundred-eight months."

That ends the corporate corruption right there. Every two years, all these EEEVILLLLLLL corporations would have to corrupt an entirely new set of politicians, and all the politicians would have to fight for all the corruption money, with no sense of where they stand in the Congressional pecking order until it is too late.

No longer could you buy some asshat as he is elected to the Senate in 1962 and own his fat ass until he assumes room temperature in the summer of 2009, or is too ashamed to run for reelection because he is named the most corrupt member of Congress (and he is holding down his drunken daddy's seat).

This would force Congress to live in the house they built and would keep the "will of the people" fresh in the halls of Congress.

For all of you who are decrying this USSC decision, what say you about limiting the terms of the reps so as to obviate the entire notion that EEEEVVILLLLLLL corporations can buy the Congress?

I know the response. I'll get some pap about "the will of the people" to be represented by who they see fit, or --->>

Diversity + proximity = WAR

-The facts do not care about your narrative. The "GREAT NOTICING" continues apace.

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