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 Freedom Of Speech: How Quaint
Lakeshorelady 5k posts, incept 2007-08-17

El wrote..
Here is a question:

If I write a book called, "How Lefties Hate the Bill of Rights and America," and author it by myself, that's protected free speech. Nobody disputes this.

If I get half a dozen co-conspirators to do THE EXACT SAME BOOK, and we call ourselves "The Committee for a Free America" and publish the book (among others), is that protected under the First Amendment?

If I get ESSEX to read the book verbatim into a microphone, and I publish an AUDIOBOOK on CD, is that "freedom of the press," or is that not protected because the Founders couldn't envision audiobooks?

If I make a documentary film of the EXACT SAME BOOK, is that protected "speech?"

If a bunch of us pool our money to make a documentary film of the EXACT SAME BOOK, is that protected speech?

If I buy advertising to pimp my book and state that candidate X doesn't like my book because I say naughty things about him, is that protected speech?

How about if a bunch of us pool our money to do the same?

I guess I want to know why the Lefties don't see this as the exact same thing, just different forms of media with different bylines.

First of all why does this have to be a partisan issue? It isn't. It is a consititutional issue that becomes clouded with self interests when people take sides.
To the particulars/questions
IMO all is cool (protected free speech) to do as long as you do not incorporate. Why do I draw the line upon the act of corporation? B/c if you do this all in a corporate shell, you are having your cake (the benefits of corporation, ie shield of accountability/liability as well as tax and both individual civil and legal protection) while eating it too (the benefits of being a constitutionally protected individual or group of individuals)

Also I have to say people trying to spin this with the "those people think all corporations are evil and therefore they must be socialists" IMO are not understanding the semantics/legalities of incorporation. It is an attempt to use false semantics, be somewhat intentionally misleading ignore and use the "guy on the street" definition of corporation rather than the legal one. I say this because they try to use the labor union example when labor unions are legally incorporated. Thus labor unions and any other profit or non-profit corporaion, including any PAC that incorporates to shield its members from individual liability/gain other corp advantages over the individual should fall under the same it is wrong to "pick and choose" what constitutional rights apply umbrella.
Individuals are individually accountable. Individuals vote. Individuals choose representation.
Corps do none of the above and thus should have no constitutional protection. None, nada, zippo

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