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 Freedom Of Speech: How Quaint
Eleua 23k posts, incept 2007-07-05

Here is a question:

If I write a book called, "How Lefties Hate the Bill of Rights and America," and author it by myself, that's protected free speech. Nobody disputes this.

If I get half a dozen co-conspirators to do THE EXACT SAME BOOK, and we call ourselves "The Committee for a Free America" and publish the book (among others), is that protected under the First Amendment?

If I get ESSEX to read the book verbatim into a microphone, and I publish an AUDIOBOOK on CD, is that "freedom of the press," or is that not protected because the Founders couldn't envision audiobooks?

If I make a documentary film of the EXACT SAME BOOK, is that protected "speech?"

If a bunch of us pool our money to make a documentary film of the EXACT SAME BOOK, is that protected speech?

If I buy advertising to pimp my book and state that candidate X doesn't like my book because I say naughty things about him, is that protected speech?

How about if a bunch of us pool our money to do the same?

I guess I want to know why the Lefties don't see this as the exact same thing, just different forms of media with different bylines.smiley

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