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 The People Should Be Skeptical
Jesjohn94 1k posts, incept 2019-05-07
2021-02-12 15:04:21

Last year I would never have believed that 2021 would be worse impact on our lives due to COVID19 than 2020 but that is the way it is looking with our idiot leaders all over the world.

The way things are going with vaccines is setting up to be a colossal cluster fuck. Forcing billions to take a vaccine using a new medical approach without any serious attempt to understand safety for different groups for a disease that while pretty serious for some groups on the whole isn't that much worse than a bad flu season. There is also clear obstruction for various reasons in using known drugs with very well understood safety profiles that could reduce the impact of this disease.

The reality for many of us wanting to re-engage in the world and travel there might be no choice but to take a vaccine. You only have one life to live and it makes no sense to me having a Pyrrhic victory refusing to take a vaccine. The problem I see happening is there is not the slightest chance of coming up with a global system to prove you took a vaccine in the next 5 years if ever. Say Australia opens up but you need a vaccine how on earth will I be able to prove to them that I did? The potential costs in play if I book an international vacation and get denied entry are huge. This whole approach is going to destroy the entire global travel industry. The longer this drags on how many businesses in the travel sector can possibly survive.

The UK is threatening a 10 year prison sentence for someone lying about which countries they had visited on entry to UK. Apparently half of UK population support that approach. Rape without aggravating factors in UK is always less than 10 years. The panic porn approach by leaders all over the world is just astonishing.

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