155k posts, incept 2007-08-26
2020-03-29 10:20:38
On the other hand I'm pretty convinced most of this transmission ISN'T vapor phase unless someone is actively sick or you have very close personal contact (e.g. sleeping in the same bed.) Big risk is fecal/oral and that's a monster because it's silent, it's surface based and it's a real bitch to get under control environmentally.
Yea. That's it. I thought so for a while, but I'm becoming more and more convinced that's the case.
In addition, they found intact virus on surfaces on the diamond princess SEVENTEEN DAYS later. Of course there's no way to know if it was enough to infect, but it was there and "alive" so it's possible.
It's going to be damn near impossible to get rid of in the environment.
It's justifiably immoral to deal morally with an immoral entity.
C'est la vie. Festina lente.