6k posts, incept 2009-03-18
2020-03-28 13:13:00
I have to admit our local hospitals instituted a lockdown almost immediately after this COVID hype began.
It's damn near Hotel California style.....if ya go in, ya ain't coming out. Our local hospitals are reportedly ghost towns.. no one WANTS to go, even if they are sick.
Of our 4 affiliated hospitals, only one will allow suspected and/or confirmed cases, and they are on one floor at the moment. And there were not many of as of yesterday's report.
Also, one set of Doctors that visit our facility no longer visit physically, but by facetime as they are limiting their exposure at our facility because they are rounding at the hospitals.
'Keep pushing ****ers, you'll find the trip wire eventually'
~ Quik49
"Every step is a finish line"