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 Hypothesis: Hospitals ARE The Vector @RealDonaldTrump
Great American Patriot Pika-steph 57k posts, incept 2007-09-11
2020-03-29 12:38:18

@Tickerguy - The tell is the D-Dimer. That is not a commonly positive test - ESPECIALLY in those without cardiac issues. Secondarily is CRP in someone who normally (and regularly checked) has CRP under .001. The problem with the latter testing is that many who have auto-immune often have elevated CRP, in addition to those with high blood sugar/inadequately controlled diabetes. Third is troponin. This is also not a commonly positive test in those without cardiac issues.

I had ALL THREE when I presented in ER along with massively elevated heart rate.

"Obama is the dark-center of the anal fissure of a chancre infested, hemorrhoid laden ******* preparing to pucker and spew endless jets of diarrhea."--Chthonic
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