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2021-09-20 07:24 by Karl Denninger
in Editorial , 3801 references
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It is often said that there is some crazy conspiracy to slaughter -- whether you prefer to call it "genocide" or whatever.  In the context of medicine, including the current pandemic, I argue 99% of the time its simpler.

It's nothing more than greed.

Greed is not necessarily bad.  In measured and rational amounts it drives innovation.  I developed a crap-ton of software and designed a network around it that became MCSNet, a successful Internet company in the 1990s because of greed.  That is, by doing so I expected that I could make a lot of money.  That was not the first time I tried to make a lot of money, but it was the time it worked.  Most people who are entrepreneurs (and honest) will tell you that for every success there are three, five, sometimes ten or more failures.  "Failure" means you lose some or, in many cases all of your investment.

But unchecked greed is bad.  It becomes exploitive, even murderous.

What stops unbridled greed in the ordinary case?


If I might otherwise claim a vial full of saline has medicinal properties and can cure a disease what will stop me is the threat of being bankrupted or even thrown in prison.

Now enter an epidemic or any other emergent crisis.

Florida and other states have laws constraining greed in times of crisis.  You can't charge someone $10/gallon for gas when a hurricane is coming for this reason.  There are people of the libertarian pursuit that argue these laws are immoral because the invisible hand of supply and demand would otherwise come into play.  They're only right until duress shows up.

They know it too.  Ask any of those libertarians how they feel about it if the gas station owner could see your fuel gauge, knew you were nearly out and couldn't reach the next station and then had his pump charge you $10/gal.  Or worse, he pulls a gun on you once you pull into the station and now you have no choice but to pay the grossly-inflated price.  Is not the hurricane a gun?  That the owner of the station doesn't pull it changes nothing; the question is about taking advantage of duress not who applies it to you.

Now let's look at epidemics and pandemics, since both certainly count as duress, especially if you're infected -- or being led to believe you will be absent something you do (or don't do.)

The last "serious" one before Covid that actually materialized in the US was HIV/AIDS.  What was Fauci's proclaimed miracle drug for HIV?  AZT.

What was AZT?  A failed cancer drug -- it not only didn't work it had a nasty safety profile.  In fact it damaged immune response including that in the bone marrow, which is where long-term immunity tends to migrate to and, by being present there, results in very durable, even lifetime protection.  We knew this going in because it had been previously tested and failed in cancer patients -- in fact it killed people in those trials.  In other words it was one of the overwhelming majority of molecules that drug companies invent, they look promising in test tubes and initial study, and then fail either due to ineffectiveness or outright harm when actually trialed.  Indeed what AZT had produced in those earlier trials looked an awful lot in terms of immune impact like AIDS!

But now we have a "epidemic" with no known effective treatments so off the shelf it comes and into people's bodies.  It appears to sort of work -- it delays, in some people, symptoms.  Or does it?  We're not sure, even today, because the "placebo" arm of the trial wasn't really blinded.  The people in the study could taste the difference between the real medication and the placebo.  Thus they knew which they were getting and this destroys the integrity of the study.  Nonetheless the drug, under heavy pressure from Fauci, was approved and used for a long time.

It didn't actually work but the toxicity was real.  While in those years AIDS was a death sentence because the therapies we have now, which suppress (but do not eradicate) the virus in your body, didn't exist the fact remains that a hell of a lot of money was made.  At the time AZT was the most-expensive medicine ever prescribed.

What's worse is that in the late 1970s we discovered that a cheap, off-patent two-drug antibiotic cocktail known as Bactrim prevented PCP, a nasty and very deadly pneumonia, in children undergoing cancer treatment for leukemia.  People with AIDS often got PCP as well; it is an opportunistic infection that almost-never causes disease in immune-competent individuals, but among those who are being treated for cancer and thus severely immune-suppressed it often did, and frequently killed them.

Anthony Fauci argued vehemently that there was insufficient safety data to recommend the use of Bactrim by AIDS patients as a prophylaxis to prevent PCP, even though they were getting the disease and dying by the thousands.  Whether this was linked to his vehement promotion of AZT is, of course, unknown -- but reasonable to assume.  What is known is that his advocacy against the use of said drug, which we knew worked and had saved countless leukemia patients from a nasty, choking death, resulted in 30,000 AIDS patients in American alone being shoved in the hole before the decision to bar its use in said people was overturned.

AZT was, by the facts, functionally worthless.  For every person temporarily "helped" one or more got screwed by the side effects and statistically zero people had the course of disease interrupted either way on a durable basis.

But it sure was profitable.

Now enter Covid-19.  Fauci runs an unproved line of crap on Remdesivir, claiming "clear-cut evidence" that it helps people recover from the disease.

What was Remdesivir?

It was a three-time loser!  It had been trialed as a drug against both Hepatitis-C and RSV, a viral disease that usually attacks young children and can be fatal in them.  It failed both trials.

Next it was tried against Ebola and failed there too.

But this time, with very limited evidence that it might shorten hospital stays and in fact zero evidence that it cut mortality, because we were in a pandemic that very limited evidence and no evidence that it prevents death allowed it to be given an EUA.  It's quite-expensive too since it's on-patent -- about $3,000 to be precise for the usual course of administration plus thousands more in charges by the hospital to administer it since it is an IV medication.  Any hospital using it makes a crap-ton of money giving it to you.

Further trials occurred over the next months with the most-important one arguably being SOLIDARITY, a very large multi-national in-hospital trial that covered multiple drugs.  It failed there too; it not only had no statistical benefit on outcome it wasn't the only one; indeed, zero of the trialed drugs when used in the hospital setting, that is, presumably late in the disease, worked -- including HCQ.  I was not surprised by any of those outcomes; HCQ, for example, would not be expected to work in the hospital because at that point viral replication is complete and its mechanism of action, such as it is claimed, was against viral replication.

The problem is that Remdesivir was developed and sold as an antiviral so why did anyone think it would work in the hospital under the same circumstance -- viral replication having completed -- where HCQ fails?

Yet even today it will be given to you if you check into a hospital with Covid-19.  It is part of the "official protocol."

It is, on the data, a useless drug just makes people money at your expense.  But most failed drugs aren't just useless since all drugs have potential harms associated with them.  This one is especially nasty because one of the side effects that came out of the early trials was a roughly 1-2 in 10 risk of at least temporarily damaging or destroying kidney function.  

Now think about this for a minute.  You're in the hospital fighting a potentially-deadly infection.  You get a drug that, 10-20% of the time on the data damages or destroys your kidney function.  Most people think the kidneys are all about removing uric acid and thus creating piss.  That's only part of what they do.

In addition they:

  • Control the acid/base balance of your blood.  This goes out of range, you die.

  • Control the water balance of your blood.  Guess what happens if that goes out of range?  Uh huh.  Specifically, that can cause acute pulmonary edema and compromise lung function.  You weren't already choking to death before that happened by chance, were you?

  • Controls electrolyte balance.  While some of that is survivable even wildly out of whack there are specific parts of electrolyte balance that you cannot survive being materially-disrupted -- to name one, potassium which is utterly crucial for neural conduction.  That being out of range can literally give you an immediate heart attack by interrupting or damaging the neural signaling from your brain to your heart muscle.  I think you can figure out what comes next if you suffer cardiac arrest.

  • Removes toxins. Not just uric acid; a whole host of other things including many drug byproducts.  Needless to say poisoning by excess levels of many of those results in.... yeah, you got it, death.

  • Control of blood pressure. Yeah, that ain't good if it goes out of range, right?

  • Controls the process of red blood cell production in the marrow by producing a hormone called erythropoietin.  No red blood cells, no oxygen transport.  You die (granted, probably not fast enough for it to be in play here.)

  • And a critical part in the metabolic pathway by which Vitamin D is used by the body.  What do we know is associated with bad Covid-19 outcomes?  Severely deficient serum Vitamin D levels.

Anyone who runs dialysis for other people as a nurse or who has had to have it done knows damn well that the process is not just about removing what would otherwise be piss.  Oh sure, that's part of it -- but it's a complex dance when you try to replace that which the body does on its own with external process and doing so requires a crap-ton of attention and replacement of those functions.  When you are under severe disease stress the odds that this sort of dysfunction and the inability to match natural response artificially, even in the short term and the best of skill, will kill you is quite high.

As a result it is entirely reasonable to expect that if you give Remdesivir, with a known 10-20% rate of significant kidney disruption rate to a group of people who are ill enough to be hospitalized it might well kill 10% of those it was given to via this toxicity.  Therefore in order for the drug to be considered worth the risk it would have to save statistically more people than it harms by enough to produce a hazard ratio that was materially in favor of the treatment and the confidence band would have to conclusively show that.

The data from SOLIDARITY said that isn't the case.

It gets worse.

Death from the above can be determined at autopsy.  Dysregulation of the first several of those items will produce differentiated edema, particularly in the lungs.  That is, excess fluid.  This is immediately obvious on autopsy and is wildly different than what is apparent if coagulation killed the patient, which is typically what results with Covid pneumonia that leads to death.

They aren't looking, on purpose, and in fact people who have specifically asked for autopsies are being refused.

If you did 100 of them on Covid hospitalized deaths, all of which got Remdesivir and found half of them had evidence of systemic harm from the drug well......

History rarely repeats, but it frequently rhymes.  Fauci, at the same time arguing for Remdesivir, an on-patent and expensive medication along with mandatory vaccination, argued against, and continues to argue against the early use of Ivermectin, HCQ and even Budesonide, three drugs for which we have decades of safety data and which are used routinely by huge numbers of people -- we have history on close to 4 billion human doses consumed for Ivermectin, millions of RA and Lupus sufferers use HCQ daily and Budesonide is commonly prescribed as a maintenance drug for daily use by asthmatics.

Speaking of vaccination we've known for decades that "leaky" vaccines -- that is, ones which do not sterilize you against infection and thus allow you to "carry" a disease and not get sick are dangerous.  If used when a disease is present in the community they turn vaccinated people into carriers and spreaders of the disease who have no idea they're passing the love around to others.  Eventually the disease finds a person it can make sick, whether their vaccine failed or they are not vaccinated.

We learned this the hard way decades ago with DTP.  Virtually every child was -- and is -- vaccinated against diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis.  Pertussis, otherwise known as "whooping cough" is a nasty disease that frequently kills infants -- and is dangerous to basically anyone who gets it.  Anyone who is symptomatic for it is instantly obvious due to its characteristic and violent coughing and "whoop" respiratory disturbance, which is also frequently associating with vomiting.

The DTP shots had a fairly nasty adverse effect profile and, what's worse, there were quality control problems with insuring the correct amount was in a given dose.  There were suspicions that the pertussis component caused permanent brain injury in children.  People sued.  The manufacturers withdrew the DTP vaccine, liability insurance became prohibitively expensive and the manufacturers threatened not to make any more of the shots -- ever.

What did Congress do in 1986?  Immunize the manufacturers from liability.  Instead VAERS (which we have today) was established, alleged "mandatory reporting" (which we know is a joke in the context of Covid-19 shots) was instituted for health  providers that administered vaccines and an arbitration system was established for alleged injury claims.

But what happened with pertussis itself -- you know, the disease?

Well, on the data, the vaccines were working.  There were only 1,010 cases of pertussis across the entire United States in the mid 1970s.  Rather than solve the quality control problems the industry, now immune from lawsuit, in full cooperation with the CDC changed the vaccines to "DTaP", which is what is given today.  That change  was broadly rolled out through the 1990s in the United States.  "a" stands for acellular; in other words, not containing the actual material of the disease.  DTaP was easier to make and, while somewhat more-expensive also did not suffer from the quality control challenges of DTP.

That's good, right?  Improve the product!  Why VAERS and everything that came from the lawsuits and such is a victory!

Uh, no, it isn't.

“The second generation of vaccine turned out to have an unanticipated limitation, and that has been probably the main engine driving the resurgence,” says Gill, who is lead author on a review article on the resurrection of whooping cough, published in the journal F1000 Research. Gill and his colleagues suspect that the vaccine, while preventing symptoms from pertussis infections for some time, has little impact on preventing people from becoming “colonized” with the bacteria, meaning they are asymptomatic carriers of the disease and are still capable of infecting others.

Why we would never do the same stupid thing again, not with an endemic disease that comes around here and there and screws some people, but rather into the maw of an epidemic that is screwing people by the score, right?

Oh wait -- we did exactly that and what's worse is that we are now mandating such abject stupidity for health care workers and enlisting countless people, including but certainly not limited to them, in marching around virtue signaling others to get jabs that history tells us will make the situation worse

Of course profit and the removal of liability from the manufacturers has nothing to do with this, right?  Why if they were liable then you could sue and introduce as evidence that we have known for decades on the data that when we did the same thing with pertussis we screwed people and turned a nearly-eradicated disease into one that makes a hell of a lot of people sick!

Now I want you to look in here.  Get out Excel, you're going to need it.

Or just look at my county and the latest figures off the CSV file.

358 people total hospitalized and of them 227 died thus far.

Sixty-three percent of the people who go into that hospital (there's only one in this county) for Covid-19 come out in a box?

How about Knox?

1,707 hospitalizations and 784 deaths.

Forty-six percent of those who go into one of the several hospitals in that much-larger county for Covid-19 come out in a box?

By the way on March 1st -- before Delta -- our hospital had killed 61% on a run-rate basis so no, this is not a "Delta" problem.

It is a post-vaccine acceleration at a gross rate, however: On January 1st, when statistically zero people had gotten vaccines, they had killed 43% of those who went in with Covid-19.

Indeed in Sevier County if you take the May 1st number of hospitalizations as a "baseline" (291) and deaths (175) and subtract that off you find that from May 1st to now 127 people went into the hospital for Covid-19 and 52 came out in a box thus far for a "kill rate" of 41% since the "advent" of Delta.  How you like those odds?  4 out of 10?

How about from July 1st to now, when basically everything is allegedly "Delta" and the vaccines may be either wearing off or worse, promoting more-severe disease?

304 in the hospital, 179 dead on that day.  In other words 54 hospitalizations in total and of them 48 died thus far.


Yes, this is a bit unfair as there's overlap; that is, if you die the second day of the 2-month window you probably were infected and admitted some time previous. Can we correct for that?  Yes; offset the two by 10 days, which likely gets you into the median area for admission .vs. death (that is, on average it likely takes you about 10 days to die if you're going to die.)

So let's do that; we'll go with June 20th for the start date for admissions.  That's 304 and, on deaths, still 179 -- in fact on June 21st Sevier County recorded its previous one death.

I still get 54 admissions from June 20th to the 16th of September and 48 deaths, for a kill rate of.... 89%.  And this understates the rate, in all probability, since if I cut off admissions on the 16th I should carry forward deaths for another 10 days,  If we go back 10 days on admissions to the 6th, however, we get an identical count so we shall see if the deterioration gets worse over the next  week.   Oops.

Now do you understand why I was willing to do whatever I had to early, often and hard to avoid giving those pieces of crap a nearly 9 in 10 crack at killing me when I got infected at the beginning of August?  I succeeded, obviously, or you would not be reading this.

If I had to go and the option was this county rather than just laying down and being murdered so I could be held up as another "unvaxxed death" on CNN I might have chosen instead to do something that could send my soul to Hell.  When facing St. Peter this is what I would have told him:

"See all these souls immediately in front of me? I intentionally made them come here today because they were, with a 90% certainty, imminently going to commit murder upon both my person and others in addition to those who they murdered before me.  I did it to terminate that 90% kill rate, ending their orgy of death along with my life which I willingly spent.  I'm well-aware of God's commandment "thou shalt not murder", the serious nature of violating that law and the just and eternal punishment for doing so, but I submit that it is not murder to stop someone who is actively committing homicide, even if it results in their death.  This is especially true when the net number of lives that are ended decreases as a result of your actions, and a 90% slaughter rate across dozens of people over a couple month's time, which they can no longer continue, meets that criteria.  On the evidence I sincerely believe these people could have kept half or more of those souls who preceded mine here alive and their failure to do so was not an accident -- they did it on purpose out of willful ignorance, arrogance, spite, promoting a political agenda and greed.  Given that you have absolute knowledge of whether I am right or wrong then if I was wrong and my actions did violate the 5th Commandment, a mortal sin, I humbly accept my just punishment in eternal Hellfire."

You think I have any respect for anyone who claims that "oh this is so terrible" when they've done nothing about the Elephant in the room -- they own and execute those protocols for these patients and it is absolutely clear they are either doing nothing to save people or worse, actively killing them!

That's like asking me if I had respect for Jeff Dahmer because a few of the people he targeted managed to figure out what he had in mind and escaped having their heads wind up in his refrigerator.

How's Knox County (much larger and right next door) look?  1707 HX, 784 dead as of 9/16.  What was it on 7/1?  1434 and 649, respectively.

273 more hospitalizations and 135 more deaths, or a slaughter rate of 50%.  Better odds than my county?  Yeah, now its a revolver with three cartridges in it out of six holes instead of nine out of ten.  Oh by the way their rate of death from the start of the pandemic to January 1st was 343/960 or 36%.  That's going the wrong way too, isn't it -- and not by a little either.

How is it that with all these vaccines injected across susceptible people who are most-likely to get whacked by this virus we've gone from roughly 4 in 10 people dying who are admitted to more than double that rate and near-certain deathWhy is it that a much-larger county right next door with multiple medical centers, while doing better, is still going the wrong way?  Given that the data out of every place with reasonable statistics says that Delta is somewhat less lethal on a case fatality rate basis, and that all the really easy to kill people are already dead as they died either in early 2020 or the winter what the Hell is going on here?  We already know one hospital (but not in this area) was caught deliberately trying to lie for that purpose as someone taped the Zoom call where it happened and leaked it online.

It isn't because we wildly deployed a vaccine strategy that is identical to the one that failed for pertussis and we knew why it failed before this pandemic began, was it?  Isn't it lovely that we exempted everyone from liability for doing something that on the data was demonstrably dangerous and now, on the objective evidence as documented by the percentage of hospital admissions ending in a pine box is blowing up in our face?

Oh, and since we're talking about failed strategies, has anyone updated the adverse event risk on Remdesivir?  Nope.  What if those original trial results were skewed by illness severity and in fact the drug is a lot more dangerous than it appears?  What if, under increasing levels of systemic stress, that drug kills the majority or even nearly all of those people?

Given that the data continually has shown there is no mortality benefit where is the data from hospitals that do not use it and how do those compare on a matched-cohort basis with those that do?  Do such hospitals in the United States exist?

I cannot find a single scientific publication that lays this out; if you have it I'd love to see a link to it in the comments.

Do we have a bunch of people dying of secondary bacterial pneumonia and not Covid-19 at all yet again, nobody is looking because there is a playbook and it does not include looking for and treating anything else if the person has a positive Covid-19 test?  The use of steroids is shown to help dampen inflammatory response (and thus is common and helpful in hospitalized Covid patients) but systemic steroids also set up the potential for bacterial colonization by suppressing immune response.  Is "The magic PCR 8-ball" saying "POSITIVE!" a barrier to looking for anything else that may be going on?  Since nobody is doing autopsies you will never get caught if you don't bother looking -- is that why all these people are dying?

Again -- what the hell is going on here?  Is it simply that we were stupid with our jabs because we couldn't come up with a sterilizing vaccine for a coronavirus as there has never been a successful one before so the do something, even if it might harm in the interests of "Warp Speed" won and now we're screwed and yet nobody can sue over that which, objectively examined, was STUPID?

This sort of bullshit would never work absent the PREP Act's liability shield and the actions of HHS in the first weeks of the pandemic that specifically exempted hospitals, physicians and others from liability provided they use drugs and protocols the FDA and CDC list as approved whether under regular order or EUA -- and nothing else.   I remind you that not only did Trump's HHS do that but Biden has refused to rescind it -- and he has the power to do so immediately by direct order.

But for that liability shield the relatives of the deceased would order an autopsy be performed and if in fact evidence was present Remedesivir and not Covid-19 killed Granny, or the hospital refused to look for anything else once the PCR test came back positive and in fact she died of bacterial pneumonia they didn't look for and did not treat everyone involved would be sued to beyond the orbit of Mars.

Would we have even gotten beyond publication of the SOLIDARITY trial when it was conclusively demonstrated across a very large data set that statistically speaking it did not keep anyone from dying before that the thrice-failed drug was labeled a four time loser and binned?

Given what we know about this drug and the history of using dangerous and net-harmful pharmaceuticals that our "wonderful" health care system, regulators and others all the way down to doctors and nurses running around with virtue-signaling bullshit on their T-shirts promote and even demand go into patients what sort of possible reason would there be to not autopsy some representative sample of those who die and find out with reasonably medical certainty what's going on, especially when death rates for those hospitalized in certain areas have more than doubled in the last couple of months?

Other than "health care professionals" being made more self-absorbed in their virtue signaling while the hospital and drug company collects $3,000 per corpse for a drug that actually may have killed them, that is.

The math on this is nasty, the basic biological functionality of the kidneys and this drug's known harm to same strongly suggests serious trouble and yet I cannot find one hospital that has sought to discover the truth via autopsy and either prove or disprove that this drug is in fact killing and killed a huge percentage of those who died in the hospital with Covid-19 -- or whether something other than the virus was responsible for their death.  If you have said study and autopsies let's see them.  I've looked and can't find any evidence they exist.

It's all about the money and "virtue" of those nurses and doctors once again -- isn't it?  Just like the original Tik-Tok dancing nurses?

The more death the more "virtuous" they believe they are in doing "God's Work"?


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2021-08-31 07:00 by Karl Denninger
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The Israel data has told us both what pharma did, what they probably knew, but also how to get out of the box.

And yes, there's a way out of the box.

A reminder: The spike protein that is part of Covid-19, and which all the current vaccines instruct your body to produce is, by itself, pathogenic.  This was first published as a pre-print, it came out before we went on a wild jabbing spree, the original study that set off the alarm bells came in September of 2020 and when the study work was done it was dismissed by many as being "not peer reviewed" (who remember, endorsed a whole bunch of other bullshit such as masks, denial of early treatments and so on.)

Well, that excuse is gone now.  Two articles, both now published, and which I originally discussed as pre-prints before we mass-jabbed people are now out in public and published form here and here.

Both demonstrate quite-conclusively that the spike protein alone, absent the rest of Covid-19 "the virus", is pathogenic.

Again, in case you missed it further up near the top, all of the current vaccines deliberately produce that spike protein, which by itself causes disease, specifically clotting-related disease, in your body.  Deliberately causing your body to produce that pathogen (which then elicits the antibody response) is how all of them work.

This means there is no safe way to vaccinate against this disease because introducing the spike into your body, no matter how you do it, inherently runs the risk of serious clotting-based disorders.  You might or might not get nailed but there is no avoiding the risk.  That same risk is what kills you, most of the time, if you actually get Covid-19 and die but the premise that you avoid that risk when taking a jab is a lie.  You cannot; the risk is inherent in introducing the spike into your circulation and there is no way around that with an IM injection because the muscles of the body are very well-perfused (that is, there's a lot of blood flow in them) even if the person who performs the injection does not hit a blood vessel, and they might.

These facts are not up for debate on a scientific basis any longer.  They also fully explain the myocarditis, pericarditis and myriad other so-called "rare" events that occur with these jabs such as strokes, heart attacks and other clotting-based disorders.  In addition the data is that the 2nd shot in the 2-shot series is much more dangerous than the first, which implies an exponential expansion of risk. 

Whether that expansion of risk bleeds back off over a couple of months or so is entirely unknown as it has not been studied.  Without a data set of hundreds of thousands (so as to get statistical significance) and both baseline and follow-up d-Dimer testing, at minimum, we will never be able to put numbers on this, nor get a decay rate on the risk if it decays, and nobody is doing those studies.

That's the bad news; if you take repeated shots and the risk does not bleed off then eventually you will kill yourself.  If, for example, the risk on the first shot is 1/100,000 (extremely rare), on the second 1/10,000 (that's a bad pattern) and the risk does not bleed off over the space of three or four months then the risk from the third is 1/1,000 (that's 0.1% and quite nasty) while the risk from a fourth jab rises to 1% at which point you're in the ballpark for a severely morbid person when it comes to Covid-19 infection itself killing them.  The fifth jab would put the risk of getting screwed at ten percent, which is approximately the rate of death from the original SARS and the sixth would be odds-on as literal suicide.

How many jabs did you say you're willing to risk taking again?

You cannot get your health back if you ruin it by being stupid.  The younger you are the worse the risk is in terms of years of enjoyable life lost.  To take that sort of risk when you're 85, fat, diabetic, you have an almost-10% risk of death in the next year from all causes  and the Coof is 10% likely to kill you is very different than to take that same risk to your health when you're 17, male, have a BMI under 25, there's not a damn thing wrong with you medically, your all-cause risk of death (most of it by violence) is 7/10,000 and your risk, by the CDC's numbers, of Covid-19 killing you if infected is approximately 1/100,000.

No two people are the same in terms of risk and medical status but this much is certain: That anyone is contemplating, say much less jabbing, the public with a now proved pathogen on a repeated basis without doing this scientific work first is worthy of immediate and summary execution as if they're wrong people are going to die in huge numbers as a direct result of that willful blindness, advocacy and action.

We knew all of the above before the first of 2021 and before any material number of jabs went into arms.  What were dismissed as "pre-print" follies have now been published formally and have turned into scientific fact

Never mind the now-documented risk of evasion and even enhancement due to ordinary viral mutation.  This too is now scientific fact.  There is no possible way to reformulate and re-jab everyone fast enough to stay ahead of this; even Pfizer's CEO has said it will take 95 days to reformulate their jab and then you must produce and deliver it, which of course cannot happen with the flick of a wand.  The virus can and does mutate faster than you can adapt the jabs to it which means you are now taking risk without benefit since the odds of evasion to each "new" formulation you work on during the time in question approach 100%, especially if you test the new versions for excess risks unlike the original trials.  Like it or not that's the data; Mother Nature is faster than we are and there's nothing we can do about it.

But remember, I said we also now know there is an exit ramp, and there is.  That knowledge is newly-developed and can greatly limit the damage if we use it instead of, once again, denying scientific fact and continue down a road that we now have every reason to believe, based on the data currently available, is very likely to lead to ruin for hundreds of thousands or even millions of Americans.

When the trials were being done last fall I found it utterly astonishing that both Moderna and Pfizer had set their dosing to produce extremely high antibody titers -- 10x, 100x or more than produced by natural infection.  That looked at the time to have been a truncated series of dose:response trials undertaken in the interest of Warp Speed; that is, "be fast rather than accurate."  Obviously you do not want to err on the low side (you get no protection) so if you're going to screw it up the direction to do so is on the high side, assuming toxicity at that level is reasonable  It turns out the decision wasn't reasonable, however, because doing that wildly increased the risk of the above reactions, since to produce that sort of high antibody titer you needed to put more spike into the body and we now know the spike, standing alone, is dangerous.  (Incidentally the CDC still claims the spike is harmless, despite two peer-reviewed and published papers documenting otherwise and all the in-field adverse events which dovetail exactly with what those papers describe.)

But, as Israel has now shown with conclusive data antibody titers from vaccination wane at 40% a month while those from infection decrease at a much slower rate and in fact broaden in terms of recognition to the virus over time.


The broadening is indicative of B-cell recall, which is utterly crucial for lasting immunity.  Antibodies do not circulate forever in the blood and other tissues; they eventually degrade and are replaced -- if your body's immune system has been trained.  Your B-cells are largely responsible for this, along with T-cells and a whole cadre of other components of the immune system.  This is why monoclonal antibody infusions protect you right now, when infected, but do not provide lasting immunity on their own.  The infection itself does, but not the infusion.  If you give the infusion to a non-infected person you wasted it; they have protection for a short period of time but it goes away.

The evidence from these now-published decay rates is that B-cell training does not happen with any of these vaccines.  This is important and, it would appear, both Pfizer and Moderna (along with J&J) either knew or should have known this.  In fact they all may have deliberately rigged their studies to be submitted for EUAs knowing the failure to produce a durable immune response was not going to be discovered due to time considerations.  This cannot be proved without a bevvy of subpoenas of course but it is a reasonable and rational explanation for setting the dose and produced titer where they all did.

You can bet the vaccine makers will all do everything in their power to evade disclosure of what they knew and when in this regard because if in fact they knew that B-cell induction did not happen and deliberately set dosing to produce a result intended to game the EUA process that is quite-arguably intentional misconduct which is the bar that must be cleared to void their legal immunity for all of the adverse events PLUS all those who got infected as the defectively-produced immunity waned.

Consider a 40% per month decay rate for these injections and a natural infection that produces a titer of "100" (units don't matter for this purpose, nor does the actual number -- just the ratio.)

If the jab produces an original titer of 1,000 (10x as much) you get the following titer level on a monthly basis for the jabs:

0: 1,000
1: 600
2: 360
3: 216
4: 129
5: 77 
6: 46

At six months you're probably below the protection threshold.  Note that it takes 12 months, starting from 100 with a 5% monthly decay for natural infection, to reach the same titer.

So why does the titer decay so much slower if you get infected?  Simple: It doesn't actually go away; natural infection trains your B-cells which is a durable response and thus capable of immediately restoring protection if you get challenged with the virus again, which you will.  This is why the Cleveland Clinic, following their employees who got infected, found zero re-infections over more than a year's time among more than 1,000 infected and recovered individuals.  It is also why a recent study found that natural infection and recovery was 13x as protective as the jabs.

This is how every other virus works and with natural infection by this virus most of the titer is to the "N" protein which cannot mutate materially and still be a virus capable of infecting and replicating in humans.  The vaccines do not include any part of the "N" protein and thus cannot produce a response to it.  In other words all of the "escape" and even "enhancement" concerns with the vaccines don't happen if you get naturally infected and beat the bug.

This is, incidentally, why humans and all other animals exist on this rock; our immune system has evolved over millennia to prefer targeting future protection, post-infection and recovery, toward the parts of a virus that don't change very much if at all.  In addition that recall capacity frequently migrates into the marrow where it becomes decades-long if not permanent and we already know that happens with Covid-19 because a small study was done that proved it.  These parts of the immune system and actions by it confer a survival advantage and thus were naturally selected for over the space of hundreds of thousands or even millions of years.  Disbelieving that which is the very reason you survived your first few months after being born, and why humans and all other animals exist, is flat-out stupid.

The vaccines, it appears, fail to produce this B-cell response; that is a very reasonable explanation for why their antibody titers decay so fast.  The manufacturers may have known this, which if true explains why they set the dosing where they did.  Had they set dosing to produce a titer equivalent to natural infection within three months protection, by the Israel data, would have all but disappeared and the EUA-generating trials would have failed as there would have been no statistical difference in infection rates between those who got the actual shot and placebo by the end of the trial.

The bad part of this decay is being seen now with Mental Midget Fauci and others arguing over the "need" to get a third, fourth and so on jab and on what interval that will be required.  Since we do not know if the risk of adverse events from those jabs compound on an exponential basis it is flat-out insane to suggest such a path forward even absent the antibody to circulating strain mismatch which we also know is a serious concern and raises the risk of both OAS and vaccine-driven enhancement of disease along with simple evasion of the antibody protection.

But the fact that B-cell recall appears to not be generated by the jab also means you can exit the jab highway and, while you will take a materially-higher risk of adverse outcome from infection than an unvaccinated person for a period of time, likely six to twelve months, it is not a lifetime risk since that mismatched B-cell training which would have screwed you on a durable basis did not, by the data thus far, happen.

Some of this is hypothesis at this point in time -- but it is a reasonable hypothesis as to what happened, why it happened, and what we had better do before we allow the wanton re-jabbing of people on an on-going basis with shots that intentionally produce a known-dangerous condition, by the now peer-reviewed science, in the human body.

First and foremost we must stop treating recovered people as if they need anything morenot only is that false it's dangerous as the data is that prior infection is roughly thirteen times as protective as vaccination.  If you actually had Covid-19 and recovered there is no scientific evidence you need anything more -- not now, and not in the future.  Yes, failures will occur; nothing is 100%, ever, in medicine.  But you are far more-likely to be safe on a durable basis than via any number of jabs.

At the same time we must stop lying to those who we claimed had Covid-19 by crazy-high Ct PCR test but have no other evidence of infection.  Many of those people didn't actually have the disease; they either had nothing or some other viral disease such as influenza.  The CDC is now claiming that a "significant" percentage of people, biased toward young and high Ct value PCR tested individuals, did not seroconvert.  The near-certain explanation for that is simple: They never had Covid-19 at all and the test readouts were false positives.  To back this up if you believe that there was no influenza last year in America, which is what the CDC has repeatedly claimed, you're a flat-out nutcase.  Further, as I pointed out in November of 2020 we knew the false-positive rate on these tests was nutjob-level high because by the CDC's data every single person in America was likely infected and that made the winter (and this summer's) surge mathematically impossible -- yet they both happened.  The only explanation is that many of those who we claimed had Covid-19 by PCR test in fact either had nothing at all or some other viral infection.

An inexpensive antibody test will differentiate those individuals and must be made available on request for private, in-home use.  These tests exist today but forcing people into a pharmacy where the price is 10x higher because you're paying the tech to stick your finger, where ID is required and the data is transmitted to the government is outrageous, especially after we lied to tens of millions of people in the first place.  If you're not at risk you deserve to be able to know you have circulating antibodies as a matter of private, medical fact for no more than the cost of an at-home pregnancy test.  If you are at risk because despite being told you had Covid-19 you never really did then likewise, you deserve to know on, again, a private medical basis.  This technology exists right now, it is nearly 100% accurate, it is in most Krogers and many other locations right now, and must immediately and permanently be sold OTC on a "no questions asked, use at home as you wish" cash basis exactly as were the BinaxNOW tests sold in WalMart for a few weeks around here.

We must also stop ignoring both existing drugs that help blunt the virus' impact and continue work, where appropriate, on finding new ones.  Simply put the jabs do not work to produce durable protection, they may over time enhance disease, they are much more-dangerous than any other common vaccine and we cannot possibly reformulate and distribute them faster, even without testing each new iteration which is ridiculously stupid by the way, than the virus can evolve to escape the cage we attempt to put it in.  Both Zelenko and FLCCC, among others, have protocols that appear to work.  I personally used a blend of a few of them and believe it was effective.  Case studies are not proof but you'll no more convince me it didn't work than you will convince someone who got jabbed and then infected that it would not have been worse had they not taken the shot.

We must insist and enforce that doctors be doctors and thus act as advisors, not deciders.  It's your ass and thus it must be your choice as to how and with what you use to treat this virus since you, and only you, are stuck with the consequences.

The only option we have is to live with the virus and learn how to treat it; natural immunity, even against all "variants" by the data works.  The jabs do not; they produce non-sterilizing and temporary protection at the risk of severe adverse events up to and including death with an unknown and potentially-compounding exponent for each repeated jab.  They should remain a personal choice but only with full and fair disclosure and full legal consequences for anyone concealing the facts as they develop.

In any event since we now know these jabs are non-sterilizing and their protection rapidly decays anyone attempting to mandate them needs to go to prison immediately as they are not mandating the induction of durable sterilizing immunity, which confers a public benefit, but rather are mandating the exponential accumulation of personal risk of serious medical events including heart attacks, strokes and death in the scientifically-proved absence of any public benefit.

That is legally a battery and it is occurring with the reasonable expectation of causing great bodily harm or death to the person being coerced.

That, on the science, fully-justifies the use of whatever level of force may be necessary to stop it immediately.

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2021-07-10 12:06 by Karl Denninger
in Editorial , 2402 references
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You aren't going to like this article, but frankly I don't care.  I've never written an article with a single bit of concern as to whether people would like what I had to say; any so-called "journalist" who does so isn't a journalist at all.

Going back to the start of Covid-19 there were several things that were apparent:

  • Not everyone was susceptible to a serious or fatal outcome irrespective of age or medical status.  Diamond Princess proved this conclusively.  It was ignored.  We later conclusively and scientifically proved that approximately 80% of all people had pre-existing resistance and, absent severe co-morbid issues that could kill them literally at any time were never at material risk.

  • If you let the virus into nursing homes it will kill a lot of people.  Kirkland proved that conclusively.  We not only ignored that we called the employees of said places "heroes" and did not demand they isolate away from the general population, paying them whatever we had to in order to get them to do it, even when we had a wild excess of hotel space in which we could have as we had (foolishly) locked down basically all travel and leisure activity.

  • Children and young, healthy adults are at little or no risk.  It's not zero, but it's less than the flu.  We now know fewer than 400 people under age 18 have been killed by Covid in the US and virtually all of those who died had unrelated life-threatening medical issues (such as childhood cancers.)  For older, more-morbid people it's another story entirely; they have 1,000x as much danger or more.  So what did we do?  We closed schools and forced 60 million healthy kids to wear masks.  In other words we made children pay for other people's risk, and we did it by force, screwing all those kids out of months to a year or more of schooling and treating them as plague rats who were responsible for killing their grandmother.

  • Most of the morbid conditions that put you at particular risk are voluntary.  Specifically, Type II diabetes and obesity.  We not only lied to kids about their risk we forced children and young adults to bear the cost of voluntary adult behavior.  This is particularly monstrous and massively compounds the above point.

  • We allowed the demonization of drugs that had been used safely for decades for other conditions and in fact let them be effectively banned.  Was there proof that they worked?  Not early on, but so what?  The so-called "right to try" that was much-ballyhooed and paraded around for over a decade disappeared instantly under force by every single social media company.  Who remembers all the crying mothers in front of Congress and elsewhere begging for access to unproved but possible treatments for their children with rare diseases and the attendant and relentless GoFraudMe cry-room campaigns?  Abortion, a purely-elective procedure undertaken by millions and considered a sacred civil right with its need arising in nearly every case from voluntary adult (irrespective of age) conduct has a higher risk of death than Ivermectin.  Where the hell did all those screaming for access to unproven therapies go and why did not that same principle apply here, especially for consenting adults?  Lupus and RA patients have taken HCQ as a maintenance drug on a daily basis for over a decade and the safety profile and its contraindications are well-known.  It also, of course, was used as a prophylaxis for malaria before that on a mass-population basis and as such its safety profile when given to people on a widespread basis is very well understood.  Ivermectin has literally had several billion human doses handed out over the last 30 or so years for the prevention of river blindness and treatment of parasitic infections.  Both are OTC (no prescription required) in many nations.  Budesonide is used by asthmatics as a daily maintenance drug by millions as well, and again, outside of the US can typically be bought OTC for a few dollars.  These are drugs with safety profiles similar to Tylenol and aspirin.  Yet we denied people the right to use them when first infected, or suspected to be and worse, we called them dangerous despite their documented safety profile on a world-wide basis.  If you're the average American you are already taking 12.2 prescription drugs per year, or at least one prescription drug at all times.  Essentially all of them are more-dangerous and likely to kill you than any of HCQ, Ivermectin or Budesonide -- that's a fact.

One of Trump's first actions when Covid-19 hit was to (1) immunize any health care provider for their failures, including refusal to treat and (2) direct CMS to pay "bounties" for anyone on Medicare who went into the hospital for Covid ($13,000 per person) and if they were ventilated then the bounty rose to $39,000.  This, despite knowing at the time that ventilators were nearly worthless; before that order was issued we knew 95% of the people in Wuhan that were put on vents died anyway.  In other words CMS issued an order offering to pay for shoving a tube down your throat that nearly always killed you instead of incentivizing hospitals and physicians to find ways to keep you from dying.

The hospitals, of course, complied with the money making path forward and 100,000 people died in those first few months as a direct consequence.

We later discovered why vents were worthless with this disease; the reason you were choking to death was that your blood was clotting in the lungs.  Forcing more oxygen into the lungs does nothing if there is no effective circulation.  Even after this discovery, which was conclusively known by summer, the bounties remained in place.  Becerra, Biden's HHS secretary, has not rescinded them.

In other words even once we knew not only that vents did not work but why, which was all known by June of 2020, HHS maintained and continues to this day to pay hospitals to shove a tube down your throat and kill you.  A sane policy would have paid only for success and let doctors figure out what works, aligning the money with outcomes.

The successful would get paid, those married to failure and dogma would get nothing.

We could have also cut off the hero worship bullshit by having the government publish the success rate for every single hospital in the US when it came to Covid-19 patients.  This many admitted, this many left in a box, success rate = X%.  HHS could have done that and suddenly all the TikTok dancers would have disappeared -- unless you walked out under your own power.

But... it gets worse.

Blocking people from using early treatment wildly inflated those hospital payments.  If you never go to the hospital then said hospital doesn't get their Covid bonus, do they?  That right there is enough reason for the corporate medical networks to ban their doctors from writing prescriptions for Budesonide, HCQ and Ivermectin, among others despite off-label use being entirely legal; indeed, about one prescription in five is written off-label!  These corporate monsters own and run the hospitals and have been buying up the doctors' practices for decades; a sick person who does not get admitted makes them nothing and the drugs cost about $10!

Never mind that issuing an EUA requires that there be no demonstrated safe and effective alternative by law.  Safe we already knew; all it took was for a large medical network to start handing this stuff out to any adult who appeared to have Covid with informed consent and the statistical evidence would show up within days.  If it proved up that would be the end of the EUAs and the pharmaceutical companies and hospitals did not want either to take place; no sick people in the hospital, no emergency and no money.

The medical systems did not know whether the drugs worked on a conclusive basis but what they did know is that if they showed effective "at first sign of infection" treatment outcomes the money spigot would shut off instantly because nobody would show up sick enough to require hospitalization.  In addition the demand for vaccines would immediately go to zero among anyone who didn't have serious multiple risk factors, such as being in a high-density living environment while seriously ill (e.g. in a nursing home.)

This particular sort of perversity where money trumps all other considerations has permeated medical care for decades.  A coronary catheter will save your life if you're having a heart attack by restoring the blood flow to the impacted area of the heart quickly.  The only other option is open heart surgery which takes longer and the longer you wait the more damage is done.  Never mind that the cath lab is much less dangerous than sawing open your chest.

But "safer" does not mean safe -- the procedure is in fact quite dangerous.  About 1 in 50 people having a stent inserted die either immediately on the table or within the next month or so, and a decent percentage have strokes caused by clots breaking off and traveling to the brain as well, which usually causes permanent and severe disability.  In people who are not having a heart attack, but who have stable angina, the data is that this procedure does not improve mortality at all.  We've known this for a couple of decades now, yet at $20,000 or so a crack these procedures are done all the time in people who are not having heart attacks.

If you are obese and Type II diabetic you can resolve both in virtually every case without spending a nickel.  Stop eating carbohydrates other than green vegetables and get all seed oils (canola, shortening, etc.) out of your diet.  Not only do you resolve the conditions but in addition all the bad things that come over time from high blood sugar, including gangrene and amputated limbs, retinal damage (blindness!), kidney failure (dialysis and ultimately death) and your early demise are all interrupted.  Instead of taking the zero-cost and superior approach in terms of outcomes you're put on drugs; first metformin which is cheap but, since the disease is progressive if you do not stop eating carbs it stops working and then the really expensive drugs come out along with mandatory insulin.  Even that does not prevent the bad; in most cases you still suffer the effects and eventually die.

But not before you leave a half-million dollar medical bill in your wake.

All of this to avoid your doc telling you the answer to your medical condition is to quit eating pizza, pasta, bread and fries?  Oh, and not pocketing the $500,000 either, never mind your misery as your toes are amputated and you go blind, have a heart attack or stroke.

These are far from the only examples.  The FDA just approved a drug for Alzheimer's that failed to demonstrate either halting cognitive decline or demonstrating improvement in treated patients.  It is, however, frightfully expensive.  FDA regulations, in fact, specifically do not require that a new drug work better than an existing drug or therapy, nor that it be cheaper, or even that it have a better safety profile.  You'd think that "better, faster, cheaper -- must show at least one" would be the law in that if you can't demonstrate by hard science at least one of those your drug does not get approved -- period.  You'd be wrong and the reason you're wrong is you let pharma, hospitals, CMS and your President pull this bullshit for decades while both robbing you blind and shortening your life.

Who writes those laws?  Congress.  How long has this gone on?  For more than 50 years.  Has either party fixed it?   NO.

Now we add this:

  • The shots were given EUAs without the usual pharmacological data (e.g. where does it concentrate and distribute in the body, etc.) and full set of animal trials.  The usual dose-ranging trials were truncated.  Zero intermediate (months long) small-group human trials (a couple thousand people) were done with weekly follow-up comprehensive bloodwork to detect things like evidence of cardiac damage (e.g. myocarditis), which can be detected if troponins are checked.  For clotting, d-dimer.  Ditto for platelet disorders and similar which would show up on a CBC. These are normal, routine steps in testing any new drug and none of them were done with no results published.  Even to this day such follow-up has not been done -- at all.  The vaccine firms applied to use their shots in Japan and were forced to disclose pharmacological data which was deliberately withheld from the FDA.  That was leaked on the Internet and it is now known that the spike protein concentrates in the ovaries and spleen.  We do not know the full story on safety and thus it is impossible to make an informed decision.  Certainly, for some people even in this situation the shots may be a good bargain -- but where is the line between "good deal" and "bad deal" and how much is that line moved because of intentional obstruction of early treatment?  Further, where are the autopsy results in people who unexpectedly die after these shots?  You'd think with a new and lightly tested therapy every person who meets an untimely demise shortly thereafter would be looked at forensically to determine whether there's a potential link.  In other words we probably could have detected all of these issues, at least at a sub-clinical level, but if we had that would have stopped the roll-out until conclusive answers were obtained, and perhaps permanently.  So we blindfolded ourselves -- on purpose -- and once again you let it happen and in fact cheered it on.

  • NOW data is starting to stack up showing that not only are the shots dangerous directly there is a nasty pattern appearing of viral infections, not necessarily Covid, in vaccinated people which is wildly out of the ordinary for this time of year.  Exactly what is causing that is unknown; it may just be our fascination with lockdowns and such over last winter but if not then this coming cold and flu season will be catastrophically bad.  While thus far what I have are anecdotes if this proves up your decision to believe a bunch of proved liars about safety may well have set the stage for your own serious disease or death.

Let's point out once again that even if 20% of the 600,000 or so dead aren't really Covid deaths there are still a crap-ton of dead people who should not have died, at least not right then and even if you kill someone with a week left to live under the law you still murdered them.

These people died when they did for exactly one reason: People made money on each death and the more who died the more money was made.

Blocking the use of possible effective and cheap drugs along with refusing to protect those in nursing homes by stopping the employees from being the vector into the place is why most of the people who died are dead, and a hell of a lot of money was an incentive to make them dead with a literal bounty paid for each toe tag.

Our local hospital likely got roughly $5 million -- a little county hospital -- in said bounties.  I'm guessing here since I can't see their books but I'll bet I'm close.

You let that happen.

You let the medical ghouls intentionally send sick people home without any treatment at all until they were literally choking to death, with the doctors and hospital administrators rubbing their hands in glee at the bonus payments to be received in the amount of millions of dollars per hospital.

You either Hated or Loved Orange Man and so you not only let him and his administration do it when the next one showed up the other half of the nation cheered them on doing the same damn thing.

Now you're letting 13 year old boys be jabbed with these shots and some of them are dying of enlarged hearts.  Proved caused by same?  Not yet.  Of course we're not demanding and publishing the autopsies of those bodies either! 

Isn't it supposed to be the other way around  -- you prove safety first -- before we stab children who by definition cannot give informed consent to the risk of death?

I've written dozens of articles on the medical scam for more than a decade now.  It featured prominently in Leverage.  A medical system in which there is a profit motive has both a good and bad side.  The good side is that new discoveries make people rich, and new discoveries move science and health forward.  The bad side is that if proof of improvement -- better, faster and/or cheaper -- is not required and the people are not allowed free and full access to all of the existing medical art at the time at their option, not that of someone who gets paid not for results but for treatments and drugs then it becomes extremely profitable to try to create a mandatory subscription model that puts a daily, monthly or yearly fee on keeping you alive to be distributed to the commercial interests behind same while ignoring, discouraging or even forbidding you to take actions (e.g. using drugs off label) that might interrupt that process or keep some or all of the money out of their pockets.

Now add to this toxic mix a virus that causes a pandemic.  There have been lots of pandemics across history.  Typically, a pandemic respiratory virus shows up about once every 15 or 20 years.  It always has.  We have records of them.  They have all behaved the same way: Two or three waves of infection, typically over one or two years, with the second wave usually being the worst.  The virus mutates over time and becomes more-infectious and less-deadly.  Within two years it is endemic; those who can be easily killed are dead, those who get it and survive have immunity, and whether infection confers permanent immunity does not matter.  The virus continues to circulate and causes colds and flus, but the serious health incident is over.

Every single pandemic respiratory virus for which we have decent records, which I remind you span more than 100 years, has behaved in exactly this manner and there is no evidence that Covid-19 has or will behave differently.  The jabs are, for most people, worthless as the virus will over time evade them (as flu evades the flu shot in whole or part) but it makes no difference to 90+% of the population as the virility of the circulating strains wanes.  By the time we jabbed the first arm the second, and most-serious wave had already occurred in the United States and was on the decline, even as we ignored all of the usual safety testing in the interest of speed.

The exception is that if you vaccinate into an active pandemic, leaving aside direct injury from an improperly-tested vaccine you run the risk of ADE, OAS or its more-encompassing name ("pathogenic priming") occurring, and if it does those who took the shot get fucked worse than those who did not and there's nothing the people who took the shot can do about it.

May I further remind you that coronaviruses are not new and neither are attempts to produce vaccines for them?  Every single attempt in the past has failed -- either the virus evades the vaccine, the vaccines causes severe injury on its own or on re-challenge it produces binding but not neutralizing activity and as a result makes the resulting infection much more-dangerous.  Since we now know there is cross-reaction between Covid-19 and other viral T-cell reactivity the potential for it to work the other way -- that is, for the shots to cause you get severely screwed by other, non-Covid viruses -- exists as well.

"This time its different" is one of the most-common and nearly-always wrong pronouncements -- whether the subject at hand is economics, markets or medicine.  The burden to prove that indeed it is different this time is extreme and must always fall on the person making the claim.

So here's the deal, America.

You didn't stop the killing for money.  We call that murder-for-profit, and exactly nobody has been held accountable for it and in fact people are still cheering it on, including Biden's plan to try to convince people to take the stabs by going door-to-door.

It should have been stopped.

If the government refused to stop it then the people should have risen and made clear that killing people for profit was not going to be tolerated.  The conversation could easily have gone exactly this way:

You will stop -- every hospital, every doctor, every so-called "public health" authority.

You will stop now.

If you do not stop now tomorrow at noon there will be a BBQ and the hospital administrators, doctors, nursing home operators who refused to lock in the employees and politicians who enabled it all are going to be the guests of honor.

One way or another, you will stop this perversity that has permeated our medical system for decades and instead of killing people one at a time it is now murdering them en-masse.  You will cut it out and never do it again or justice will be done -- right here, right now, by we the people.

This is not a negotiation any more than Concord was on April 19th, 1775; you stop or you will be forced to stop.

We're not asking, we're telling you.


Well, you didn't do it.  One dude, or three dudes -- you start building a gallows along with erecting a spit and firepit on the lawn of the parties to be invited to your BBQ and you go to jail immediately.  Big shock, right?  Of course if you're a pharmaceutical company, sell a drug like Vioxx after allegedly hiding evidence it has a nasty side effect profile and 60,000 people are killed by heart attacks as a consequence nobody goes to jail for doing that, and that's not threatened death, it's actual death and that it happened is fact.

First time?  Not even close.  AZT anyone?  It did not save a single AIDS patient from death.  The intentional blocking of Bactrim, which was part of getting AZT through, killed about 30,000 Americans far sooner than they would have otherwise died.  Bactrim, a combination of cheap, off-patent antibiotics, was known to prevent PCP recurrence; this had been discovered 10+ years earlier in leukemia patients.  AZT, a failed attempt at a cancer drug was, at the time, the most-expensive prescription drug ever sold.  Who was involved up to his neck in pimping AZT while blocking Bactrim?  A man by the name of Anthony Fauci.  Yes, that Anthony Fauci.

Or, as is the case this time, Remdesivir.  The data from two solid trials: RECOVERY and now this study say it's worthless.  Worse, it has a nasty side effect profile including causing cardiac damage.  But despite the data the FDA has not withdrawn its EUA.  Gee, why not?  Because it costs $3,000 and thus makes people rich, that's why.  If it kills you well, tough crap; we'll call that "Covid" even though it was the worthless drug that may have caused your heart attack and not the virus.  You still count as a Covid death though so here's the hospital's bounty for racking up another toe tag.

Why didn't Trump's HHS -- or Biden's -- do it the other way around?  You get your $13,000 bonus if the patient walks out of your hospital under his or her own power.  If he or she dies the hospital gets nothing.

Want to take a bet on how much Ivermectin, Budesonide and HCQ would have been used had the government done that?

Tell me once again why you have allowed both the previous and current Administrations to infest Washington DC given these facts -- including the fact that these so-called "experts" are all proved serial liars with multiple well-documented instances that led directly to mass-death over the last forty years.

I'm listening and have been for 18 months -- all I hear is crickets.

Here's reality whether you wish to admit it or not:  If 5%, 10% or 50% of the population decides they've had enough of this robbery and death then it stops.  One hopes the demand is enough.  It should be enough, but you have to be willing to back it up just like the Minutemen were on April 19th of 1775.

The government knows this.

They know it to their core because this nation exists due to that very demand and willingness to back it up when the King of England's men said "fuck you!" in response to a similar demand.

They get away with this sort of crap today for the same reason they got away with it in 2008 with the banking system.  You let them.

That time they stole your money, your jobs and in many cases your house.

This time they stole your grandmother's life, and in both cases they did it for one reason and one reason only: MONEY.

The proof is simple: HHS could have made the payments contingent on your discharge by means of walking out of the hospital under your own power.  They did not, on purpose, you let them slaughter your alleged loved ones and worse, you let those murderous, money-grubbing assholes walk among you to this very day, lauding them as "heroes."

That's fine.

The people of this nation, as with the people of any nation, have the right as a body politic to act like cult members and bow before those who have been demonstrably wrong on a serial basis for the last 18 months.  Remember: MASKS ARE BETTER THAN VACCINES, according to the CDC.  That was stated by the CDC Director in sworn testimony before Congress and yet winter came two months later and the virus killed a crap-ton of people anyway, proving he was completely full of crap.

That's just one of many of the lies you sucked your way all down the shaft and then swallowed whole.

So here's the deal:

If you were or are today one of those nutjobs who believed the CDC even after they were proved wrong this last winter, if you believed Fauci after he was repeatedly proved wrong, if you still listen to anything they say after Fauci got caught conspiring to hide the origins of this virus and in fact organizing censorship of its origin all over the media and you believe the government at large did not and is not to this day deliberately deceiving you and everyone else, including deception about the natural course of all pandemic viruses for the last 100 years -- every single one of them -- then if you listen to them now, take their advice, and it kills or severely disables you or your family members I am going to laugh in your face and that of your family members and loved ones.

You are stupid.

Only a mentally-compromised cult-member idiot listens to some agency or person, no matter who it is, once they make a pronouncement in front of Congress under oath and within a couple of months it is conclusively proved they're full of crap, who issue government policy incentivizing death instead of targeting said incentives to be paid only when lives are saved and as a direct result of intentional neglect for profit several hundred thousand people die.

That's what happened folks.

We're 18 months into this now.

The lies are manifest and so is the killing of people for profit.

You have to be nuts to allow anyone involved in that act of mass-manslaughter for money to get anywhere near you with any medical advice.

They already killed your grandmother and if you let them kill you or those you love then you and they both deserve to have this blow up in your face and die, I hope it hurts, and I will celebrate every one of your well-overdue express elevator rides to HELL.

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and so is all credibility for both Biden and Trump administrations when it comes to Covid and public health in general.  Said credibility will not be regained for years, perhaps decades, until and unless people are held to account -- which is very unlikely.

It will not be long before the TSA will have no choice but to lift their "mask mandate" as well, as will all other federal and state agencies.

Those who were foolish enough to listen to them despite the few, such as myself, warning that the science was actually on the other side for all these mandates and the shots will be stuck with the consequences.

There might be a few fathers left in this country.  Maybe.  If so it is my sincere hope that they hold people to personal account who inflicted these harms on their sons and daughters, of which there will be tens if not hundreds of thousands reasonably tied to these so-called "interventions", including the shots, in the current and coming years.

The ghouls involved did not give a crap about the law from the start.  The EUAs were flatly illegal because we knew by summer of 2020 that there were decades-old proved safe and believed effective treatments.  We didn't use them, on purpose, for the explicit reason that doing so would prevent these EUAs from being issued.  By deliberately lying the FDA, CDC and dozens of other organizations and individuals along with the corporate physician and hospital networks directly caused the death of hundreds of thousands of Americans who should not have died, and caused deliberate harm to hundreds of thousands more who are now left with what may well be a lifelong debilitating impact as a result of the scream-fest for "everyone" to go get these unproved and now-known-dangerous injections.  Nobody knows how bad, or for how long, those future disabilities and risk of death will be or for how long they will continue but that there is severe impact is now known; we are now down to trying to figure out how horrid.

The CDC still claims the spike protein in the shots is "harmless" despite three scientific papers dating to December stating otherwise, one of which is peer reviewed and another from Salk, with the first known published evidence of a problem dating back to September of 2020.  All were deliberately ignored and still are being ignored.

COVID-19 mRNA vaccines give instructions for our cells to make a harmless piece of what is called the “spike protein.” The spike protein is found on the surface of the virus that causes COVID-19.

The science says it's not harmless; it is in fact pathogenic.  The CDC is lying and as a result people are dying.

If you think this can remain "under wraps" and not get into the public consciousness you're wrong.  While the pharma firms may have legal immunity no private entity or public other entity does and the ambulance chasers will be out in droves to make the next $10 or $50 billion windfall asset-stripping colleges and their endowments, sports teams, concert venues and other commercial and government entities of every bit of flesh they can pick off.  Unfortunately the injured will get little or nothing after the lawyers get done, as has always been the case.

The destruction of these entities is both just and will happen, but it's nowhere near the end game or best of outcomes.  The best of outcomes, which we will also obtain, will be the complete destruction of any sort of trust, belief or other willingness to listen to so-called "public health" authorities for years or even decades into the future.

This is not a bad thing; they've been full of crap for decades, poisoning people slowly by advocating the consumption of a carbohydrate-rich diet, essentially cramming liquid milk into the gullets of children, many of whom are lactose intolerant to some degree and for which there is no evidence of benefit, calling "ketchup", which is mostly sugar, a "vegetable" and other similar outrages.  McDonalds and the rest of the fast food industry followed said "guidance" and stopped using beef tallow from their hamburgers to fry the potatoes; that switch alone has killed hundreds of thousands over the last few decades, as vegetable oils of this sort should never be consumed in any meaningful quantity.  They do not occur in nature in anything similar to what we consume today and every one of them has a horrid inflammatory profile.

We have an assistant secretary of "health" for the Biden Administration who in fact could not perform the simple task of looking downward toward the crotch to figure out what sex he/she/it was, and when disagreement with physical reality occurred reality was denied.  Think about that in the context of having previously sired children, which it appears Levine did, and then telling them later on that you don't believe you're their father as you deny being a man!  What sort of wildly crazy child abuse is that?  (I am assuming these are biological children, which is not clear -- but is a reasonable presumption given its former wife is indeed a woman.)  Do you think I'll listen to a single thing that comes out of Levine's mouth?  Likewise we have all manner of fat jackasses telling everyone else they must accommodate their personal lifestyle choice and the damage it has caused.  Certainly you have the right to eat yourself into a blob but you have no right to demand I pay for it either in money nor in restrictions on my lifestyle, such as lockdowns, masks and similar when you are at 1,000x the risk of being killed by a virus as someone who isn't wildly obese.  Indeed virtually all of the true excess risk from Covid is due to personal lifestyle choices.  Not all, to be sure, but then again while people do get hit by lightning in everyday life your decision to play golf in the middle of a thunderstorm does not make me responsible for the wildly-elevated risk of you becoming the Preacher in Caddyshack!

Every one of the ghouls who pulled this crap should spend the rest of their life in general population with the other inmates having full knowledge that they screwed not only old people but children as well.  Few to none will, which means that if there is to be justice it will have to come at the hands of the one or two remaining actual men in our society who lose a loved one, especially a teen-aged daughter who was coerced into stabbing an improperly-tested cocktail into their arm like a lab rat.  Maybe that will happen and maybe it won't; the story of the ages, of course, is that what should happen often doesn't.

But in terms of all the bullcrap being bandied about and the threats made that come down to "take the tard shot or else" forget it.  Those threats have no teeth and the people issuing them know it.  They know damn well that they are not immune from suit and the first young person who is coerced and dies creates a permanent liability for them and their entire family that can never be removed -- and which extends far beyond the boundaries of any courtroom.

If you get threatened then the bottom line is that you have a decision to make.  You can knuckle under or refuse.  If you refuse though do not quit or otherwise walk off in a huff -- instead make them fire you, expel you from college, or whatever.  Find a good lawyer.  Force these jackasses to answer for what we already know: In 2021 thus far 99% of all vaccine-associated deaths were from the Covid shots, while just one percent were accounted for by the more than one hundred other safe and effective vaccines in common use.  Stick this pie chart up in court and see how well the "defense" deals with it; since it's official government data they'll have all sorts of fun trying to refute it and fail.  Remember that in a civil suit you need only "more probable than not" to win, not "beyond reasonable doubt."  If your healthy young son or daughter expires after taking said shot as a result of being threatened with expulsion from or non-admission to college, or loss of their job, do you think a jury will side with you or with the smug corporate or university asshole who caused them to take said shot and die?  What if said young person is still alive but horribly disabled and can testify themselves as to the onset of their debilitation and proximity to the jab?


Yes, today the jury might not find your argument compelling as many of them are likely living in fear too but how about six months from now by the time you actually select said jury pool?  Ha! By then the illusion will have passed; too many people will either have had a family member or friend who had their life ruined or were killed outright by these things or know someone who did and the tide will have gone out, showing all of these ghouls to have been swimming naked.  Those who walk around with diapers on their face and who have their jab pictures on social media will be spending their days furiously trying to erase the evidence of their complicity lest they get tagged as someone who supported this mass-slaughter of innocents, never mind the Internet Archive which will make sure said proof never goes away.  Life insurers will probably finish off anyone's hope of having coverage at a reasonable price if they took the shot -- just desserts -- when the data comes in and makes the 20 year old who took said shot the same life insurance risk as a fat, diabetic 60 year old.  When that $20/month premium is $250 come talk to me about how "unfair" it is when you did it to yourself.  If and when this winds up being proved to be a blood supply risk and you need a pint maybe we'll finally have some of that $400 the hospital charges you go back into the pockets of people like myself who won't give it away -- but we might sell it for the right price, seeing as we're "clean" in that regard and half the nation is not.

All-in folks I'll go back to what I said in my 2021 prediction article, albeit it appears the mechanism is different.  Such is the business of prognostication; I said it wouldn't matter as we got into 2021, and it won't.  There is no way that the threats to "exclude" people who refuse the Covid shots will be realized; the data is damning already, and the trends are even worse.  From everything I can see the queues for shots are empty, they're closing "vaccine" centers for lack of demand and Biden is freaking out about the Military refusing, threatening to make it mandatory.  What could possibly go wrong with that given who has access to what and, given the record of stabbing servicemen with untested crap that severely injures them (which we have done in the past) do you really think people will accept that rather than say "fuck you!" and force the issue?  Go ahead Xiden, do something really stupid.

Even the NY Post is asking the question:

Progressive politicians across the country assumed unique powers in the last year, took away personal freedoms, and destroyed livelihoods without saving lives, but they’ve still yet to admit their historic failures or be held accountable for committing them.

The public should ask why progressives should attempt to bring major change to the nation, let alone govern any state government, when they have failed families so starkly across the country.

Perhaps the public will go even further and ask why so-called progressives and their families should not lose their right to livelihood and even their freedom after deliberately ruining the lives of so many with exactly zero benefit to balance said harms.

We're now in the first week of May.  Those states that do not stop the stupidity well in front of the 4th of July, one of the busiest holidays, will simply send all the people in America to places like right here where they will spend money -- and where you need neither a mask or a jab.

From the dinner tables to the pool halls, bars and beaches of America three words are being belted out louder and louder with each passing day: Fuck you Karen.

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2021-02-15 10:13 by Karl Denninger
in Editorial , 1822 references
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Terrorism (n): The calculated use of unlawful violence or threat of unlawful violence to inculcate fear; intended to coerce or to intimidate governments or societies in the pursuit of goals that are generally political, religious, or ideological. (Department of Defense Dictionary)

It's interesting to contemplate that the "strict" meaning of the word "violence" does not include releasing or potentiating the effects of infectious or poisonous agents, yet such is clearly terrorism.  It therefore follows that causing death by infectious or poisonous agents by either intentionally ignoring known means to stop said death when undertaken for political or ideological purposes fits the definition.

Back in February, March and April of 2020 when Covid-19 first started knocking people over in the US in size we had good reason to believe a significant number of existing off-patent, inexpensive drugs and other therapies might work to blunt the pandemic's impact.  We did not know which ones would work but we had reason to believe any or all of the following might along with several more.  I wrote on them at the time, and the record stands in the published works of many, myself included.

Exactly zero funding, studies and other efforts were set up in those months by the CDC, NIH, Johns Hopkins, Vanderbilt, Mayo and dozens of others to run down the efficacy of any of those compounds.  Several entities performed fairly low-level screening against mechanisms of action and developed lists of potential therapeutics.  None of these compounds or strategies had a profit motive associated with them since they were all off-patent and cheap.  This should have immediately led to large-scale trial registration for every one of these compounds since all were already known, approved drugs with a well-studied risk profile and the obvious thing to do with a new infectious agent was to investigate them all to see which, if any, might work.  Instead of investigating these drugs and other agents all of the agencies in question started recommending and working on vaccines, "social distancing" and then masks, the latter of which had 40 years of science demonstrating worthlessness as source control against viruses with the possible exception of N95s that are both expensive and impractical for the general public to use.

Never mind that now we're seeing actual scientific studies documenting harms of mask use specifically with regard to children.  Those forced to wear masks as adults for occupational reasons can be expected to have similar problems.  Given that children almost never get seriously ill and die from Covid for them to bear any burden as a consequence of this disease is an outrage; it is identical to telling children they may not drink out of a glass because some percentage of adults use a glass to get drunk and destroy their livers.

Other nations where corruption of the medical system -- and the money that drives it -- are less-present or they simply don't have the money for much of a medical system at all studied these compounds and actions as a means to blunt the impact of the pandemic on their population.  In short those "back woods worthless brown and black people" undertook attempts to save their population from the ravages of a disease while the richest nations in the world with a hundred times their resource deliberately refused to participate.  I'm sure our government and these so-called "public interest" entities like the Gates Foundation would have loved to stop such research, but they had no way to do so and those health systems were looking for ways to stop not just patient death but employee illness and death as well.

Over the first few months we had reports from various physicians all over the world that some of these suspected compounds worked but even then they were intentionally not followed up by our so-called "public health" agencies and institutions in both the US and most other western nations and those physicians in our country who did pursue them and found them effective were pilloried or even threatened with being fired or having their medical licenses suspended.  Indeed in several states pharmacy boards and even Governors prohibited the perfectly-legal off-label use of some of these drugs, issuing mandates prohibiting the filling of prescriptions.

Again: These are compounds whether drug or nutritional supplement where there is no profit motive to drive million dollar clinical trials; if you "win" you make no money.  Performing such research is exactly why we grant non-profit status to various research and teaching entities and fund them internally in our governments and they deliberately refused to fulfil that part of their mission.

In addition we knew after the Kirkland outbreak happened in February of 2020 that nursing homes were wildly vulnerable environments and that allowing any traffic in and out was extremely dangerous since an enormous percentage of those living in such facilities died when they got infected.  Yet for months we did nothing to shut down all such sources of infection being brought into these environments by employees and in fact in many states we had governors who intentionally enhanced transmission into these facilities by forcing infected and thus known-dangerous persons to be admitted.

So let's go down the list of what we can back up with research that was intentionally not done yet was known likely effective back in March and April.  We will start with those steps that had zero risk and move upward.

  • Segregation of nursing home employees: Known in March after Kirkland.  Not done in one single state by one single governor, all of whom could have done so.  Forbidding cross-employment in multiple facilities, moonlighting and segregating all employees in such facilities into a small hotel rented and paid for by the state so as to physically isolate all staff members from outside infection would have prevented most of the nursing home deaths.  Yes, there would have been the inevitable leakage of an occasional infection into such a facility but nowhere near what did happen.  Doing so for four months would have been much cheaper than even the six week lockdown in the general society; only about 0.5% of our population resides in such places yet they have constituted an enormous percentage of the deaths.  Some people would have quit given this mandate but that's ok; have the government pay whatever is required to staff the jobs under that conditionThis one step alone would have prevented 50,000+ deaths in the first four months, it was an obvious and effective thing to do and despite people including myself calling for it that step was not taken; these deaths are directly chargeable against every single Governor personally along with every public health department as grossly-negligent manslaughter or even Murder 2 as a result of depraved indifference.  Indeed some governors (e.g. Cuomo) did the exact opposite and intentionally forced infected people into those homes, wildly accelerating mortality.

  • Vitamin C: Believed effective, now disproved by study.  IV use may be effective (insufficient evidence and of course limited to hospitals since it's an IV.)

  • Zinc: Alone believed effective on the basis of multiple nostrums sold for viral interdiction (including colds), now disproved by study.  Possibly effective if used with HCQ or Quercetin (not studied sufficiently as far as I know; the mechanism of action is plausible but as you can see the ground is littered with those attempts.)

  • Famotidine (Pepcid): Believed potentially effective but disproved by study.

  • Vitamin D: The association between severe deficiency and serious or fatal Covid-19 infection was known in April with an extremely high degree of correlation.  A pilot study was conducted and reported out in August showing a stunning reduction in mortality and ICU admission for those administered Vitamin D at admission to the hospital.  The risk associated with advising people to not be Vitamin D deficient and to test for and immediately correct same on hospital admission is ZEROthere is no medical risk whatsoever to correcting such a deficiency and advising the population to do so at large (e.g. via a daily multivitamin), along with checking for and correcting it immediately when Covid-19 infection is suspected.  A later and larger study in Barcelona across 550 patients just reported out, confirming the earlier findings with a 60% reduction in mortality when checked at the time of hospital admission.  SIXTY PERCENT!

  • Steroid Inhalers: A doctor out of Texas reported this quite early and he was immediately labeled a quack by the mainstream media and so-called medical "experts."  I was skeptical on this one because during replication suppression of the immune system can be very bad news and there are warnings on commonly-prescribed systemic steroids (e.g. prednisone) related to increased infection susceptibility.  But -- as it turns out there is now science on inhaled steroids and the study in question was just reported out in Australia.  The findings?  90% reduction in hospitalization.  NINETY PERCENT!  In fact they stopped the study early because it was ruled unethical to deny treatment to the control group with results of this magnitude and statistical significance.  These are over the counter drugs in many nations; in the US it's prescription-only and wildly marked up at retail but they cost almost nothing in other countries.  Obviously if you don't go to the hospital you don't die either, right?  Guess what also doesn't happen?  The hospital doesn't make any money if you can puff on that thing three times a day for a few days and the infection is conquered ninety percent of the time.  Yeah.

  • Hydroxychloroquine: Turned into a political football immediately when Trump mentioned it, this is a cheap anti-malarial that has been used for decades with a very well-understood safety profile which we had good reason to believe would likely work on the science, and knew so 15 years previous.  This was noted (in the "chloroquine" form, which is more dangerous to use) as a likely effective agent against SARS in 2005 and should have been studied immediately by the NIH on that basis alone.  It's primary risk factor is in people with cardiac problems, which of course increase in prevalence with age.  Henry Ford Health System (SE Michigan) subsequently ran a pretty-conclusive trial (decent recruitment, randomization, number of persons included in both arms, etc.) on it -- a very well-respected hospital network -- and found it helpful, substituting doxycycline for Z-pak which was an identified cardiac risk potentiator.  They were immediately buried with all manner of innuendo and criticism, issuing a press release that they would have no further comment in public nor would they work publicly on anything related in the future due to being attacked for the "offense" of reporting their medical research.  Work continued outside the US and some studies post that event intentionally set dosing that was into the poisoning range with an apparent intent to discredit the therapy and, in no surprise, when you give known-toxic doses of something bad things happened.  We now know from a large number of studies that in fact it works, but is less effective and has a higher risk profile than Ivermectin.  A registered trial intending to test it as combination therapy with Ivermectin appears to have never been actually enrolled or conducted.

  • Ivermectin: Known likely effective in April when a physician who identified it via a compound search started using it in Broward County FL.  He had nearly-nobody wind up dead while everyone else in the area had about the same percentage of people die.  You'd think that when some doctor suddenly has his fatality rate drop markedly compared to everyone else the entire medical establishment would sit up, take notice and do what he or she does.  After all the cardinal definition of success in medicine is "keep the patient from dying", right?  Instead this was buried along with the HCQ controversy and deliberately ignored in the United States.  But in other nations, not so much -- Egypt and Argentina, to name just two of many, ran trials and found astounding efficiency for this drug in limiting severity of infection including direct clinical markers in patients in the hospital, which in several cases hit the magic p<0.001 number -- that is, statistically improbable beyond reason to be due to random chance.  There are now more than three dozen studies on this drug and every single one of them has reported it to be effective. In addition there is overwhelming data on safety since this drug has been used for decades in humans; the base risk of significant adverse events is 6/100,000, a safety record unmatched by virtually any pharmacologically active compound and many if not most of those adverse events were likely due to the infection being treated rather than the drug.  Merck has now tried to do the same thing to Ivermectin that was done with HCQ claiming there is insufficient "safety data" on the drug despite 30 years and many billions of doses of the drug dispensed for human use.

The important point here folks is that all of this formal study work came from outside the United States and the one time a large, nationally-recognized medical group attempted such a study here in the US they were pilloried and literally driven to silence by political activism.  This is not a singular event either; FLCCC, a group of physicians, had the video of their sworn Senate Testimony removed by Youtube!

We had several months in which to do said follow-up and deliberately did not.  There was not one dollar spent on any of this by the NIH, which Fauci and his wife (who gates research dollars as she runs the "bioethics" group) effectively operate.  Several of these drugs and therapies were directly recommended against by the NIH and FDA, including HCQ and Ivermectin.  The doctor who first came up with the steroid inhaler therapy here in the US was branded a quack by multiple so-called medical "experts" and the media.

Given this and the deliberate attacks on Henry Ford for running a trial on HCQ does this sound like public health or does it sound like the suppression of medical study and testing resulting in death for political and/or ideological goals?

Dr. Fauci has now confirmed by his own words that his and the CDC's goals are political; that his and the CDC's "new" guidelines on schools (while, I remind you, Florida has had their schools safely open for months without these thingsare conditioned on passage of the legislation currently being written in Congress.

Now let's talk about the numbers of deaths directly chargeable to this terrorism -- that is, the deliberate infliction of death through willful and intentional interference with testing known safe and potentially effective therapies and strategies that served to deliberately propagate a biological agent causing death which, if they had been undertaken, investigated and those that proved up made widely available would have dramatically changed the course of this disease, all of which by the totality of the evidence was done with the explicit goal of inculcating fear and driving a political or ideological outcome.

Had we segregated nursing home workers immediately after Kirkland 50,000 of the 140,000 people who died in the first few months would not have died from Covid.  Every single one of the Governors and the Federal Government are directly and personally responsible for these deaths and should be tried and get the needle for the mass-death they caused through depraved indifference to human life.

Had we acted on the Vitamin D deficiency data we had in April which had a zero risk of adverse effects in correcting either in the population or on hospital admission 60% of all persons who have died would not have died.  Again there is zero risk associated with making sure you're not Vitamin-D deficient.  Between these first two actions the death toll through June would have been under 40,000; a reduction in death between the two of 70%.

Had we spent the few tens of millions of dollars in March through June testing the steroid inhalers and Ivermectin, along with the other drugs that did not prove up we could have released the employee lockdown on nursing homes by the end of June and 95% of all the people who died from July onward, which now total more than 300,000 would not have died from a Covid-19 associated illness.  In other words only about another 15,000 people would have passed from that date onward. 

This is materially less, by a factor of more than 75%, than the flu kills in an average year.  Statistically that is a zero and while all death is sad that certainly is not an emergency as extended over a year's time it is materially less than the flu's annual burden.

There would have been no desire or need for "emergency" vaccines with an unknown set of intermediate and long-term risks; if vaccines were indicated they could have gone through regular testing and, in the fullness of time, perhaps been approved.

There would have been no need for "emergency" ventilators at the cost of billions which, we later learned, were both unnecessary and useless.

The trillions of dollars emitted and doled out with most of it going to big business and political cronies would have never occurred and the inflation destruction that is certain to follow in the years ahead would have been avoided.

There would have been no reason to keep a single school closed.

There would have been no call for mask mandates, distancing, closing businesses or anything else.

Essentially all of the unemployment, business destruction, wildly skewed preference and the driving of business to large national and multi-national firms such as Amazon, WalMart and others would not have occurred.

The entirety of the tourism and hospitality business would have been back to normal by August including cruises, air travel and the rest.

In short by the end of summer everything would have been back to normal including our economy.

The pandemic and fear would have been over in the summer and stayed over with cheap, inexpensive and readily-available drugs and vitamin supplements that have been known to be safe and can be bought anywhere for pennies.  If you got Covid-19 a couple of doses of Ivermectin and a few puffs on a steroid inhaler would have turned 95% of the hospitalizations and deaths that occurred into nuisances no more serious than a common cold or mild flu.  Further we would have achieved and maintained herd immunity through what would be a nuisance infection similar to that of common colds and flus by now since the infections would still happen, virtually everyone would have been infected and recovered by late summer and yet serious harm or death would have come to statistically nobody.

It can still be over without a single jab in the arm or any of the risks associated with it today, right here and now in the space of a single day, via the exact same mechanism at near-zero cost and inconvenience, job loss or economic damage.

Some of those first 40,000 dead would have died due to lack of knowledge of how to mitigate the risk and treat vulnerable people.  That sucks but was unavoidable since we did not know which pharmaceutical and nutritional agents were effective.

95% of the rest, and 95% of those who get the virus and die today are doing so as a direct result of intentional actions by State Governors, the President of the United States both past and present, the CDC, the NIH and every single so-called "public health" institution including the hospitals, teaching and research universities including but not limited to IHME, Vanderbilt, Johns Hopkins and countless more.

There is no reason for any of this to continue, there is no reason to wear a mask as they are worthless and in fact can cause harm, there is no reason to distance or stay away from each other, there is no reason to torture our kids with school restrictions and there is no reason to take a vaccine.

None of it is necessary on the science because we know how to stop nearly all such infections from becoming serious or fatal at the cost of literal pennies.  We had good reason to believe all of this would work in March and April, we knew factually that locking in nursing home employees would work in March, and we intentionally refused to investigate those drugs or lock nursing home employees in away from sources of infection. We did pillory the few health systems and physicians that dared launch their own investigation and report the results.

Despite that intentional obstruction in the US and western nations other countries have done the work and now the results and the jury are both in -- like it or not.

Our government -- including Federal, State and Local officials, in concert with both the medical system and our alleged "public health" agencies deliberately spread disease and caused death for the last year, directly and through depraved indifference, killing approximately 400,000 Americans thus far and is killing thousands more every single day.  We knew how to stop the death in nursing homes in February of 2020 and we knew how to stop 95% of the deaths in the general population this summer using cheap and available nutritional supplements and off-patent medications.  Rather than fulfill their legal duty both by their oaths of office and in the case of non-profits and public health organizations the duties set forth in their charter and the reason for their tax exemptions they instead conspired with commercial interests to allow and even promote such death so as to inculcate fear in the population for the purpose of political, ideological and financial gain.


These actions are deliberately being undertaken and have been since March of 2020, and have caused mass death, for the express purpose of a political and/or ideological result.

That is the entire point of terrorism -- to scare people into compliance with a set of political or ideological demands by making the public fear that they will die next if they do not do as the terrorists demand.


We're coming up on 500,000 dead Americans folks and most of those deaths were avoidable.

Something like 130+ times the number of people Bin Laden killed on 9/11 in avoidable deaths were caused by intentional refusal to follow up on what was learned and even harassment of well-respected medical institutions that dared to speak against their suppression was undertaken with another 9/11's worth of death being accrued at present every single day.

I am not afraid of this virus because I have read and understood the evolving science since the start of this mess and have acquired beginning in March the agents necessary to prevent, with a 95% certainty, the harms it may cause.  Over time I've discarded a few of those potential treatments as they were either found to be ineffective or replaced with more-effective ones.  I have ensured I am not Vitamin-D deficient since that has zero risk to my person and costs pennies.  As a result despite being 57 years of age and thus at allegedly "higher risk" it is clear on the science that this virus is no more dangerous to me than the common cold and I have exactly zero concern about contracting it.  I have lived my unmasked life for the last year and will continue to; you may take your "mandates" intended to scare me and shove them straight up your ass.

I no longer give a wet crap about terrorists using bombs, knives, guns, trucks, airplanes or even a nuclear weapon and never will again since our nation has decided that its perfectly ok for terrorists in our government and health care institutions to kill thousands of Americans every day on purpose for a year straight and will not punish those who are doing it or force them to stop.  Every terrorist who has attacked an American interest in this history of this nation combined has not come close to the body count of the ghouls who together are responsible for nearly half a million dead American souls.

And since the vast majority of the population are by the clear record terrorist sympathizers in that the people of this nation refuse to rise and put a stop to this crap if I come upon your overturned vehicle or otherwise find you in peril unlike the two times in the previous 20 years when I stopped and rendered assistance, in one case according to the EMTs likely saving the driver's life -- I'm continuing right on by.

Make your peace with God for as long as this state of affairs continues I swear on my eternal soul I will not help any who may have conspired to shove nearly half a million Americans in hole for political purposes.

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