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User Info | Demographics Is Destiny; entered at 2023-11-06 08:51:34 | |||
Ramrod1776 Posts: 46 Registered: 2014-08-15 |
This discussion reminds me of a scene from True Detective....Rust Chole (Matthew McConaughey) explains his pessimistic world-view concluding that men and women should agree that reproduction is futile and join hands as they march toward extinction. It is about the money/resources and I frankly didn't get that when I heard about Musk's views. If we plan on going extinct, we better damn well back off on all the projects that the future is asked to pay for. Down-size now! Here in the real world, Louisville, KY schools have faced the second consecutive day of bus drivers calling in sick to protest the unsafe work environment caused by a refusal by administration to discipline rowdy students. We need to admit the root of this problem and fix it rather than trying to paper over the mess. One quarter of drivers out....this will be a wasted instructional if anything useful would occur anyway! 2023-11-06 08:51:34