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User Info | Engineering .vs. Science Pt 2; entered at 2023-01-29 16:12:39 | |||
Forever_young Posts: 1012 Registered: 2022-11-22 Kansas, USA |
I remember having a debate on another forum with one of those "I'm smarter than everyone because" type of morons. Real inflated sense of self-worth. A discussion on global warming basically ended up at: Me: So you think that man is causing the earth to warm to catastrophic levels. Him: Yes Me: So what is your baseline? What are acceptable levels? Him: Don't know Me: So how do you know the actions you are taking are actually affecting anything? Him: I don't. That was the gist of it, no logical thinking involved, just feels. Of course, I should probably be given some blame for arguing with an idiot on the internet. 2023-01-29 16:12:39