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User Info 2022: The Year In Review, And Burning Of Bridges; entered at 2022-12-28 09:20:31
Posts: 2794
Registered: 2021-09-15 western slope colorado
I'll throw my hat in the ring with my prediction for 2023:

Times will continue to be interesting, as in the Chinese curse of interesting.

The feces hitting fan blades are just going to become wetter, stink more and spray everyone and everything with effluent.

2023: the septic tank doesn't back up, it blows up.

Your umbrella will be your life skills (that's something people here seem to have plenty of)

For those bored and burned out by the ignorant bipeds we are forced to share the planet with, I suggest the time is ripe to start a cult.

There's big money in cults. Properly done you should be able to manifest a religious tax exemption too.

When your followers become too much of a burden sing the Jonestown jingle, make a big batch of fentanyl fufu drinks and lead them off to heaven(umm, don't drink one yourself).

2023 the year of possibility
2022-12-28 09:20:31