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User Info Stop The Crazy; entered at 2022-01-13 10:31:49
Posts: 18308
Registered: 2017-06-27 Farthest Right
Karl, how does one reconcile Dr. Yeadon's concern regarding the genetic payloads of the shots? I commented about it in your Veritas article and extended his concern to a logical conclusion.

The only divergence from what you are saying is that your thesis is that such a product cannot be made consistently with resultant bad outcomes possible, and Dr. Yeadon's thesis is that the product will always be made consistently unless a deliberate modification is made.

Curious as to your thoughts regarding how to reconcile this.

Will note that i am slightly concerned that Dr. Yeadon aligned to some degree with Catherine Austin Fitts as she is of the depopulation and some other Tin-like persuasions over the last decade or so. Don't know if he is influenced by this, however emotional strain can affect people's critical skills as no matter how smart and accomplished the mind looks to fill in blanks.
2022-01-13 10:31:49