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User Info Where Roe Is Going; entered at 2021-12-02 07:51:49
Posts: 2052
Registered: 2009-03-18 Lgs9peFR6YqcTH
I agree that if the supremes reaffirm the letter of Roe that the media will still freak out and say that Roe has been 'overturned'. Prolife groups will be mad that abortion is still protected, at least for the first trimester.

Neither side will quit.

There is no compromise or middle ground here.

This should have never been 'decided' by judicial fiat. It should have been subject to a national debate as part of a process to pass a Constitutional amendment one way of the other. Even then, I'm not sure that would have ultimately settled the issue. (It didn't with slavery.)

I think, as Slavery was the battle for the nation's soul in the 19th century, Abortion is the battle for the nation's soul in our time. We can't have a nation where half the country thinks unborn babies are human beings and the other half thinks they are disposable clumps of cells. That has to get resolved one way or another. Hopefully, it will happen over time with changing hearts. If not, then it will get changed by force, if history is any guide.
2021-12-02 07:51:49