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User Info Our Screaming Child @POTUS; entered at 2021-09-30 08:57:27
Posts: 1779
Registered: 2016-11-09 New Yersey
Good that things might drag out. The December 8 date is being shared widely where I work. Naturally (said with sarcasm) my main bread and butter is managing a task order that ends (base and now option) at the end of November, it is expected that a new follow-on task order will be next as it is for ongoing work (to continue for about two or three years). Based on this preliminary definition I'm anticipating a few week extension of the existing work to carry through Dec 8 at which point the terms can be added to the new task order procurement documents to include the vaccine requirement. A lot of our work is through Indefinite Delivery/Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) contracts (my work is), which basically is a larger contract that allows the gov't to do the more complicated contractor selection process once for a multi year period to identify a smaller group of qualified contractors, then it competes individual work amongst a smaller pool of contractors.

I expect our company will go along to get along. I'd be delighted if things stretch out to next June when my HS senior graduates. It would eliminate one major challenge Bedpan handed me, but I would not bet on it.

So, in the mean time, as J. Geils Band said in the song, "Trying not to think about it" and keep on preparing for the future.
2021-09-30 08:57:27