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User Info Well-Deserved Consequences; entered at 2021-07-11 01:27:44
Posts: 1581
Registered: 2009-06-14 Canada
Anyone not vaccinated yet is still in play. Focus on the young - most influenced by their peer groups and under tremendous pressure. Doing your own research leads to a trust contest. Few can do it. I have more patience with the dumb and do spend time on a few. I have no patience for the arrogant dumb.

Karl - I'm sure it is frustrating to push on a rope, and I often read "Fuck it all" but you're still at it and I'm always wondering why. I have my guess. This could feed into it: There are 3 young soldiers in my circle who are holding up against vax pressure each time they have a new assignment, thanks in large part to your work. One of them is my son, the other two are his buddies. I have lost that argument more often than I won it, but the few wins are dear to me.

2021-07-11 01:27:44