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User Info Damning Data Hands Up An Indictment; entered at 2021-04-20 09:40:51
Posts: 204579
Registered: 2007-06-26
@Erroldo -- The safety signal is already there. All of the "unknowns" should be resolved for deaths four months in the past. But it isn't; there is a wildly-elevated count for the last few weeks of 2020 .vs. 2019, and that is unfortunately right when we started stabbing people.

The anomaly STARTED when Covid-19 did, which strongly suggests that SOMETHING related to Covid-19 is causing it. The problem is the it widened with natural infection going up and then that "something" spiked when we started stabbing people in the last four weeks of the year and has gotten worse as the stab rate increased.

Now some of that will undoubtedly resolve back into other conditions. But I highly doubt it all will, and a look back at the historical rate of this data in the previous year's weekly reports, for which I have multiple copies as I was doing that report weekly, says there's no way this is not a signal of something awful and it's quite-material in size too.
2021-04-20 09:40:51