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User Info The Biggest Mistake We've Ever Made; entered at 2021-04-04 10:06:10
Posts: 1035
Registered: 2019-01-27 A Van down by the River

In my past readings I came across a statement that there are ACE2 receptors all over the body (where the viral spike protein enters the cell). "All over" includes the lungs, heart, blood vessels, kidneys, liver and gastrointestinal tract.

So if an mRNA vaccine spreads the spike protein all over the body, where it attaches to said cells and results in the immune system attacking them, you can see where potentially big problems might arise.

The lungs, heart, kidneys, and liver are almost 100% required to sustain life (dialysis forever reducing the kidney issue). So you can see where (possibly) injecting billions of the spike proteins' mRNA into the body via vaccine shot to spread everywhere in a few seconds would be orders of magnitude worse than having a few thousand virons enter your lungs and begin to replicate.

At least your body's immune system has a chance to snuff out a live Covid infection before it spreads to all your vital organs.

As TG points out, we've known about this sort of stuff for decades. Ovelooking it via ignorance would be bad enough, but overlooking it intentionally is genocidal and deserving of Biblical levels of punishment.

2021-04-04 10:06:10