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User Info | So You Want To Believe The So-Called 'Experts'?; entered at 2021-03-27 09:06:22 | |||
Chromehill Posts: 1667 Registered: 2010-03-03 |
Where are the media and various congress critters calling out the great Fauci on his non-disclosure? The little shit lied and knew all demands to lockdown could not work since the bug had been in the USA for 4 to 6 months, yet he urged their implementation. Well we know where the media is, the Democrats and Swamp's back pocket judging from the farce of a Biden press conference when he had all the questions. Rand Paul, why don't you hit Fauci with these facts. Grear summation of the scam Ticker Guy. 2021-03-27 09:06:22