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User Info Medical Fraud For Political Purpose; entered at 2020-06-06 13:49:04
Posts: 2221
Registered: 2011-06-12

I agree about veterinarians being more qualified than medical doctors. If you have ever battled getting tested and diagnosed with Lyme disease, you would understand. MDs either don't want to recognize and deal with it, or are in denial that it even exists. Veterinarians are quick to test and diagnose if a pet presents symptoms.

There is evidence that it originated in a lab at Plum Island off the east coast, so it is a real hot potato. Doctors that do effectively treat Lyme disease (yes, there are a few scattered around the country) are routinely persecuted and prosecuted for doing so. Treatments that are naturopathic are usually safer and more effective than the slew of antibiotics used allopathically.
2020-06-06 13:49:04