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User Info America's Scam, Part 65023; entered at 2017-11-26 11:07:59
Posts: 25529
Registered: 2007-07-05 N 47.72/ W 122.55
I keep hearing of how hydrocarbon direct powered cars (gasoline and diesel) are going to go bye-bye because of coal, nuclear, hydroelectric powered cars (electrical cars), and we are all going to have charging stations at our homes and businesses.


I've always poo-pooed this idea because the sheer electrical build-out to accommodate all of this is staggering, to say nothing of what the distortions in the energy market are going to be when those joules of energy we presently get from liquid hydrocarbons have to be put into the electrical grid. Hydroelectric (what powers a good chunk of the homes in my region) is already at 100%.

Nuclear? smiley Good luck getting the politicians, leftists, and other green-tards to approve that.

Coal? Same thing.

Oh, I and wind. smiley

It simply cannot happen. We are not going to shelve petrochemical energy to drive electric cars, and I don't care if they are all connected and driverless.


We don't have the energy resources.
We don't have the political will to use them.
We can't retrofit the entire grid, even if we did have the energy production.

Oh, and about the "smart, driverless cars..."

I'll never forget this. I landed at DCA one afternoon and there was a power outage in the terminal. I tried to pay cash for a slice of pizza, and the grommet-head, Millenial couldn't make change, because she couldn't count backwards from 100. Additionally, not a single toilet worked in the entire terminal, because they need electricity to work. There was **** overflowing in EVERY hopper in the DCA terminal.

In the airport of the capitol city of the "most advanced nation on earth," we can't make change or take a dump if the grid does go down.

How in the flying-fornication are we going to be able to drive in that scenario?


We couldn't do the Apollo program today. In 1967? Yes, but not today. We are not getting smarter. We are just getting more clever in telling ourselves we are.
2017-11-26 11:07:59