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User Info America's Scam, Part 65023; entered at 2017-11-26 05:38:36
Posts: 6639
Registered: 2008-02-23 NE Alabama
To put some perspective on this that means that one such truck charging will place approximately the same load on the grid as 1,400 houses. One truck.

What happens when 20 of them show up at the truck stop? You know they do that today -- they fill their diesel tanks and they're on their way, although they typically only fill said tanks half as often as these batteries will require charging.

So it won't be 20 of them it will be 40 since their range-before-refueling is about half of common OTR trucks now. Now we're talking about the load of roughly 57,000 additional houses that will be instantly presented to the grid and which the grid must be able to support -- per truck stop or terminal!

Just like Netflix, Amazon and other content providers expect others to bear the cost of building out the Internet infrastructure to support their business models, Elon Musk expects others to bear the cost of building out the electrical grid to support his "clean" cars and trucks. Socializing costs and privatizing profits, although in Tesla's case it's just mitigating losses.
2017-11-26 05:38:36