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User Info Driverless Cars (and Trucks): Caution; entered at 2015-05-11 10:53:00
Posts: 3298
Registered: 2009-06-03 East of Sheol

On regard to the anti-drunk driving lobby Id have to agree. Too much money has been made in that racket for every person to have such a vehicle.

However, I can see this being viable for a large bar or taxi service that can afford to have a fleet of vehicles for their patrons. The patron would pay a fee and the vehicle would take him home and return. This would limit the need of everyone having such a system. The systems can also be relatively small size wise.

If one is going to use such systems you should still be 100% liable in case of an accident as you put the vehicle into motion. It is no different than me being responsible in case of mechanical failure of my car that could have been prevented. If its software well thats between you and the manufacturer (and likely a class action lawsuit).

Of course getting one to his driveway does not mean he is going to be able to get out of the vehicle and walk to the door. Some loss of coordination or a stupor induced sleep will happen with many. That is why these systems need to be equipped with a George Jetson style ejector, a puke/excrement flush system and sanitizer and as an extra service a drag bot to haul ones sorry ass to the doorstep.

As an added inducement we can paint another satisfied drunken patron on board all over the vehicle. With real time data we might even upgrade it to blind, stinking drunk patron on board - next destination hospital detox center to be further brutalized.

-half in sarcasm

2015-05-11 10:53:00