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User Info Scott Shapiro Speaks Up (Obama Gun Presser); entered at 2013-01-16 12:41:59
Posts: 4440
Registered: 2009-06-26
I hope you caught what Obama is up to with his executive orders. He wants doctors to ask if there are firearms in the home. Once the doctor checks off that box, that home goes into their system as a home with a gun.

Voila! -> Defacto gun registration

Right. It's a dog whistle for the Statists. And they'll probably be quite pushy about it, marking you as a GunJuden if you are coy or defiant.


Samadams wrote..
Well, you could just say, "no" - what's the penalty for lying to your doc? He's not an official of any law enforcement agency. Ends the problem right there.

How does it "end the problem" if they mark you as having guns if you refuse to "cooperate". You'll have to be convincing.

There are probably all sorts of weaselly ****cago-type "directives" being prepared for dissemination "under the radar".

After all, Das Gov owns a lot of the upcoming doctors through their student loans.

Last modified: 2013-01-16 12:49:40 by uppity_peasant
Reason: addendum

2013-01-16 12:41:59