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User Info Meanwhile, Back At The Lily Pad...; entered at 2012-07-11 11:42:31
Posts: 213
Registered: 2008-12-02 Raleigh
I have come to realize people do not want to hear the truth on most any topic from politics to personal issues. For example how many people want to know that what they are wearing lookslike crap on them and they should not wear it. Very few. Not only that people that are brutally honest are seen as mean and hateful among other things. This same mentality is in every part of our daily lives. People don't want to know the truth because it hurts. for these same people, if they were in a room with an Axe killer, they would rather close their eyes and hope he goes away than to open their eyes and look for a way out. 90% of the people I know feel this way regarding everything related to what our government is doing for some many things I won't bother listing them. I just don't see this mentality changing until a major life changing event happens.

Last modified: 2012-07-11 11:43:17 by shannonlk1

2012-07-11 11:42:31