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 So About Fauci
Raven 20k posts, incept 2017-06-27
2024-06-16 14:35:01

@Trm -- compliments. Most people will not catch onto the very important message which you just delivered in very fine form.

This is how that 30-50% who just go along and do not make waves are used to serve our purposes.

They are often not evil like their bosses, as described in your comment, however their bosses NEED them. We can make an example of the boss, OR target them even easier. Both work, and ultimately lead to pressure on the other.

No imagine if as Karl and I constantly remind people, they have no peace or fellowship in their dull, regular lives.

YCNU. This is about to be a lesson on selling to the market you have instead of worrying about your cost basis. No one and I mean no one cares about what you paid for something except you.

In t
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