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 Keeping Your Car Running For Less
Msbeaty 47 posts, incept 2022-10-01
2024-05-08 09:16:00

I recently had to do some work on my car that involved dropping then oil pan. This was with ~240,000 miles on the car. I have never used anything other than full synthetic oil and good, but nothing special oil filters (Mobil 1, Fram ultra synthetic, etc..). For the filters, a sturdy case and a silicon anti drain back valve are big features to look for. Synthetic filter media is also beneficial for long change intervals. The construction of the filer and quality of the drain back valve are important though, because a failure can lead to the oil bypassing the filter and then the media quality is meaningless.

I was absolutely astounded how clean the oil pan was. After draining oil, I wiped the inside of the pan out and there was literally no debris at all.

For many years I changed oil at 3000 mile intervals, but slowly pushed it out. I do not send samples off to Blackstone, but the condition of the engine internals show the oil is still highly effective, even at my current 10,000 mile change interval. It is amazing how well modern lubricants and greases can hold up, if the right product is used and in the right amount. My driving schedule is closer to ordinary than severe though. The car always starts from garage temperature, has a mile or so of low speed driving then 20 minutes of consistent 55 MPH, so nearly ideal from a longevity standpoint.

I have had the same observations about how tight and clean the coolant systems can stay using good coolants. I don't know the quality of the additives at that point, but when the coolant comes out so clean and the internal surfaces of the aluminum castings are spotless, it obviously is working. I have always used the OEM spec fluids here, since the change intervals are so long.

While great lubricants and some common sense can help longevity, the body in the drivers seat also has a big impact on wear and tear of the vehicle. I am always amazed how aggressively people accelerate and brake for no reason at all. I always try to make transitions as slow as possible. It is good for the car and also saves gas. My cars original brake rotors front and rear lasted over 170,000 miles.

Noises can really bother me, so I ma pretty in tune to nuisance rattles or squeaks. Make sure to drive your vehicles every now and then with the radio on low or off and pay attention to odd noises. These are often your first signs of something wrong...don't ignore them.

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